Part Three - Chapter Twelve: Starting Chemo

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"Are you sure you don't mind?" Cristiano murmured wrapping his arms around Eliana, he knew that they had a scan later that day and he wanted to be there; he wouldn't miss finding out what they were having. 

However, Dolores was due to start chemotherapy and she didn't wish to go alone, she had asked Cristiano to come with her; she knew that she had no right to do so but she was scared. 

Eliana kissed Cristiano, she couldn't find it in her to make Dolores go to her appointment alone; she would meet him at the appointment so he wouldn't miss it. 

"She needs you more than I do," Eliana said shaking her head, she couldn't imagine what Dolores was going through and she just hoped that she would get better soon. 

Cristiano adored his mother and Eliana knew that he would be devastated if he lost her, he had fought to protect his father and that hadn't worked; now he was fighting for his mother. 

It was going to take some getting used to and Eliana just hoped that their lives weren't going to get complicated; they had enough on their plate with their second pregnancy. 

"I promise. I won't be late," Cristiano said knowing that there was nowhere that he would rather be than at her side when they found out what they were going to have. 

Jennifer had offered to look after Elsa while they were there, she wanted them to enjoy time together since Dolores was staying in Madrid while she had her treatment. 

"You better get going," Eliana murmured not wanting him to be late for the first appointment, it was a six-month course and she was sure that it would go well for Dolores.


"How are you feeling?" Cristiano asked sitting down next to his mother while the nurse got her hooked up for her first round of Chemo; he hadn't been able to be with her last time but he was here now. 

It scared Cristiano that the cancer had come back, he still couldn't believe that his mother was suffering and he was going to do everything in his power to make sure that she would be okay. 

Dolores smiled at him, she was a little nervous about what was going on but her doctor had been reassuring; things were going to be okay and she was sure of that. 

"I am fine," Dolores said peeking at what the nurse was doing, she eyed the needle that was stuck into her arm and she knew that it was going to be a long session. 

Leaning back in her chair, Dolores was just glad that Cristiano was here with her, she couldn't imagine doing this alone and she knew how busy he usually was. 

The two were silent for a while as the chemo started, Dolores looked around the quiet room knowing that it was going to be a long couple of hours; there was little to do while attached to a machine. 

Cristiano shifted in his uncomfortable seat, he sighed leaning back in his seat and he peeked at the clock sure that he would be able to make it to Eliana's midwife appointment. 

"So Eliana was okay with you being here?" Dolores asked curiously, she didn't really get to see her daughter-in-law much but she knew that the blonde made her son happy. 

It still felt strange sometimes to see Cristiano with his family, Dolores adored watching him with Elsa and she knew that when the new baby arrived it would be the same. 

"She encouraged it," Cristiano said watching his mother, he knew that things hadn't been easy in the past few months but he hoped that this wasn't going to be a fight for his attention.

Eliana would win every time and Cristiano would find someone else to bring his mother to the hospital for her appointments, he wasn't going to ruin his marriage and he knew that it would be okay. 

Dolores was quiet for a moment, she knew that she had spent a lot of time ignoring her son in favor of Hugo and she had missed out on quite a bit of what he was doing. 

It also meant that Dolores had missed out on really getting to know the woman that was married to her son; she had never thought that she could have messed this up so badly. 

Elma and Katia both spoke fondly of their sister-in-law and how Eliana always sent them pictures of Elsa; she tried to stay in contact with them as much as possible since they lived in Portugal. 

"Mãe?" Cristiano asked noticing how quiet she was being, she looked so sad and Cristiano knew that she needed to be positive if they were going to beat this again. 

Dolores chewed on her lip, she hated that things were so tense right now and she knew it was her own fault; she had no idea how his life with Eliana worked or much about the blonde. 

"How have I messed up so badly with you?" Dolores asked making Cristiano shake his head, he knew that they didn't have the best relationship but now was not the time for them to be worrying about that. 

Dolores looked down at her hands, she was going to make this right and she would start by spending time with the only member of her family that she didn't really know. 

Eliana seemed like a wonderful woman that made Cristiano happy, that was all Dolores ever wanted and she was missing out on it.


Taking Eliana's hand, Cristiano watched the midwife work glad that he had made it in time for the appointment; his mother had been dropped off at Hugo's house since she wanted to speak with him. 

Cristiano didn't know what was going on in Dolores's head but he hoped that they weren't going to have to cope with any more issues; he just wanted things to be simple for once. 

"Everything is looking good so far," the midwife said smiling at the couple, the pregnancy was going just as well as their first one had and she was pleased with what she was seeing. 

Eliana smiled looking to Cristiano, she was so happy that everything seemed to be going well and she couldn't wait to hear what they were going to have. 

"You're going to have one big baby," the midwife joked eyeing the bump that Eliana carried, she was pleased with how Eliana's pregnancy was going and there didn't seem to be anything for the couple to worry about. 

There was one thing that the midwife did want to talk to them about, she just wanted them to be prepared for what might happen. 

"You should be aware due to the size of the baby... we may consider a caesarean section," the midwife said knowing that there was a chance that they might not take that route, it all depended on how big Baby Silva Aveiro was going to be by the time they delivered. 

Cristiano stared at the midwife, his stomach turning at the news that their second child could be delivered by surgery unlike Elsa who had been pushed into the world. 

"You wanted to know the gender?" the midwife asked wanting to be sure, she knew the news was a bit of a surprise for them but it would be for the best if the baby was too big to get past Eliana's hips. 

Eliana looked at Cristiano, she could see the worry on his face and she was sure that whatever way their baby was born that they would be okay. 

"You're having a baby boy," the midwife revealed with a smile, she was sure that things would work out just fine and at least now Eliana had been warned what might happen. 

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