Part Two - Chapter Twelve: We'll Be Okay

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Eliana took a deep breath as she stared down at the newspaper, she rested a hand on her bump and gritted her teeth as she read the lies that Andressa had given during an interview. 

Eliana wanted to strange the glamour model who was trying to use Cristiano to boost her own career, the interview was everywhere and Eliana was avoiding leaving the house in case she was mobbed by paparazzi. 

Shaking her head, Eliana sighed leaning back on the couch and she wondered if the woman even felt guilty for what she was doing; her lies could have ruined their relationship if Eliana hadn't been on Skype to see what had really happened. 

"I'm sorry," Cristiano whispered watching his fiancée, he hated that this was happening and he wished that there was something that he could do to make all of this go away. 

Cristiano hated that Andressa was dragging his name through the dirt to make herself more famous; he was just glad that Eliana knew that he hadn't done the things that she was claiming, he didn't want to lose her or their unborn daughter. 

"It's not your fault," Eliana replied shaking her head, she didn't blame him for any of this and she didn't want him thinking that this was his fault; it wasn't like he had invited Andressa like she was claiming. 

Cristiano hadn't even known who Andressa Urach was until the papers were splashed in her 'tell-all' story about their night together; the entire thing was a lie and Eliana knew that it wasn't going to go away anytime soon. 

"I just wish that you didn't have to deal with this," Cristiano murmured looking at Eliana, she was twenty-six weeks pregnant and he didn't want this stressing her out; he wanted nothing more than for her to relax since they were slowly approaching the birth of their first child. 

Eliana sighed shaking her head and wrapping her arms around Cristiano, she didn't want him blaming himself for what had happened when it wasn't his fault.

"It'll be okay," Eliana whispered trying to ease Cristiano's mind, they had other things to worry about and there was no point in sparing a thought for the woman that was trying to ruin things for them. 

In a few weeks no one would be interested in what the glamour model had said, they would just see the strong relationship that the couple had and they were going to be wonderful parents. 

"I wish I could make it stop," Cristiano murmured closing his brown eyes, he knew that there was nothing that he could say that would make this better; anything that he said would only been seen as him trying to cover his tracks. 

Eliana brushed her fingers through his hair, she kissed his cheek and she had a feeling that they would be just fine; she wasn't going to let Andressa ruin their lives for her five minutes of fame. 

"We'll be okay," Eliana whispered to him, she wanted nothing more than to forget about the fact that there was someone trying to ruin things for them; she wanted to focus on their family and nothing else. 

Cristiano nodded his head and kissed Eliana, he wanted to make things better and he wasn't sure that was going to happen; he held onto Eliana knowing that he would never cheat on her. 

It made Cristiano think of the kiss that he had shared with Behati, he never wanted Eliana to find out about that since it had meant nothing to him. 

"I've been thinking about baby names," Eliana mused thinking about the name that she had in mind, she was sure that Cristiano would like it and it wasn't a name that she had heard a lot in the past; it would be perfect for their little girl.


Cristiano smiled as he looked around the nursery that he had been working on, he had done a lot of thinking since that morning and now they had a name he was even more excited about the birth of his little girl. 

Cristiano knew that things were going to be tense but that didn't matter compared to the small life that was going to be coming into their life soon; they needed to focus on that and not some gold-digger who wanted some attention. 

Cristiano couldn't wait for her to get here and he was so prepared for everything, he was going to do so much and he wasn't going to let Eliana be left alone so much with the baby. 

Cristiano wanted to do things, he wanted to feed, bathe, change and raise their daughter and not just be focused on football; he didn't care what it took to make that happen but he would fight for it. 

Eliana was twenty-six weeks pregnant and with about fourteen left, Cristiano was determined to have the entire house prepared for that moment; he didn't want anything left until the last moment. 

Things were going to be crazy in the New Year and Cristiano doubted that he would get a chance when things were busy; Real Madrid would have so many matches and he would be needed with the team. 

Jennifer would be keeping a close eye on Eliana for him, the last thing that he wanted was for something to happen to her and the baby while he was away; he couldn't imagine what was going to happen when she went into labour. 

Eliana could be home alone when that happened, Cristiano wanted nothing more than to be there when their daughter was born and there was a large chance that he would miss the birth of his first child. 

Cristiano didn't know what was going to happen but he did know that he would love his daughter and nothing was ever going to hurt Elsa Ana Silva Aveiro when she had been born.


William frowned as he stared at the papers, he couldn't believe what he was reading about Cristiano and he wondered for a moment if something had happened between his future son-in-law and the glamour model. 

William wrinkled his nose as he read more about the woman that was claiming to have slept with Cristiano; he couldn't see what the footballer would have wanted with her when he had Eliana. 

It was a sore subject with William when it came to his daughter, she barely spoke to him anymore and he was worried that she might not let him even met his grandchild. 

William had been disappointed to hear about Eliana's pregnancy from the news, he had thought she would have called him to share the news that she was going to have a baby; he was looking forward to being a grandfather. 

"She'll come around," Sara Gonzalez murmured softly sitting down next to William, she knew that he was hurting right now from being cut out from his daughter's life. 

William's divorce from Jennifer had been rough and she had pretty much moved straight into his home the moment that his ex-wife had moved out; it had been a hard time for the two of them and they were happy now. 

"I don't think she will," William replied shaking his head, he didn't think that this was going to end well and he doubted that Eliana was ever going to forgive him. 

Eliana was close with her mother and William knew that it had been his own stupidity that had cost him his family; he loved Sara but he wasn't sure what the future held for them. 

Sara rested a head on his shoulder and sighed, she was beginning to think that William had only loved her when things were exciting and he was married.

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