Part Two - Epilogue: The Wedding Night

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"Have I told you how beautiful you look?" Cristiano asked kissing Eliana, he held her close as they swayed on the dance floor; he couldn't believe that she was finally his wife and he was so content right now. 

It had been a long day and finally everything was winding down, Cristiano knew that Elsa would be fine with Jennifer for the night since he and Eliana were going to spend the night together without interruptions. 

"Several times," Eliana replied cuddling close, she was tired and her feet were hurting but she wasn't going to change anything that had happened. 

Resting her head against Cristiano's shoulder, Eliana was looking forward to the moment that they could both retire for the night and it had been a wonderful day. 

Cristiano brushed his fingers down Eliana's back, he couldn't believe that all this had happened and he couldn't keep a smile off his face knowing that Eliana was his wife. 

"You ready to leave," Cristiano murmured brushing his lips against the top of her head, he held her close knowing that it had been a long day; he wanted nothing more than to leave so that they could both relax. 

It had been a wonderful day and Cristiano was relieved at the fact that they hadn't had to deal with any paparazzi or journalist showing up; he was a little relieved that they had managed to keep their wedding a secret. 

Eliana nodded her head, she looked up at Cristiano knowing that she was more than ready to leave; the evening was pretty quiet now and there was nothing left to do. 

"I'll just check on Elsa and then we will make our leave," Cristiano murmured knowing that he couldn't leave without making sure that Jennifer was going to be okay with Elsa for the night. 

Eliana tiredly nodded her head, she kissed Cristiano before she allowed him to walk away from her and move to check on their daughter.


Sighing in relief as she slipped off her shoes, Eliana sat down on the hotel bed and looked at Cristiano knowing that they had done it; she chewed on her lip knowing that everything would change when the world found out. 

It was only a matter of time before the news broke that Eliana had married Cristiano, everyone had been speculating when it would happen and it was going to be big news. 

"Better?" Cristiano teased removing his suit jacket, it was a warm night and he was glad to be away from all the people that had been watching them; he felt like he could relax for the first time in hours. 

It had been a long day for the both of them and Cristiano was just glad that they would be able to relax now; things were going to change and he was looking forward to it. 

"Much," Eliana replied smiling at Cristiano, she was just relieved that they could relax and she was still curious about where they were going for their honeymoon. 

Cristiano smiled moving to wrap his arms around Eliana, he had yet to ask her what had happened with her father and he could only imagine what William had gone and done this time. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Cristiano asked moving to help her take down her blonde hair, his fingers were careful as he pulled out the clips and he couldn't help but think about how soft her hair was. 

Eliana had truly looked beautiful and Cristiano hated that William might have done something that could have ruined the day for her; he honestly didn't know what was going to happen now between his wife and her father. 

"Not right now," Eliana murmured with a shake of her head, she didn't want to think about how William had put his fiancée above her and she knew that she couldn't forgive him for what he had done to her this time.

Cristiano nodded his head and kissed Eliana, he couldn't believe that he had gotten so lucky and he hoped that they stayed this happy; he brushed his fingers gently through her hair and smiled at her. 

"Do you want to know where we are going on our honeymoon?" Cristiano asked softly, he had kept the destination a secret for as long as possible and it seemed fair now that Eliana knew where they would be going. 

Real Madrid had been kind enough to allow him leave, he had two weeks off and Cristiano knew just how he planned on spending it before the new season started. 

Nodding her head eagerly, Eliana grinned at Cristiano excited to find out where they were going to go; her mother and Dolores had packed her suitcase and she had no idea where her new husband was going to take her. 

"Aruba," Cristiano revealed softly, it had taken him a while to figure out where he wanted to take Eliana and he wanted it to be special for the two of them. 

They only had two weeks before Cristiano had to be back with the club and there was bound to be a lot of work for Eliana; the next time that they would get to relax would be when the Christmas holidays arrived. 

The destination took Eliana by surprise, it certainly hadn't been where she had been expecting to go and she was suddenly excited about going away with Cristiano to Aruba. 

"I wanted to go somewhere neither of us had ever been," Cristiano murmured knowing that Eliana's job as a model took her pretty much everywhere, he wanted them to experience something new together before they had to deal with real life again.



Author's Note:

So this is the end of Part Two... keep an eye out for Part Three.

Thanks to everyone that read, commented and subscribed to this story so far, I couldn't have done it without any of you xxx

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