Part One - Chapter Twenty-Six: Feeling Lucky

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Eliana grumbled rolling over to answer her phone as it rang, she didn't know who could be calling her at this hour in the morning but she hoped it was important; she peeked at her boyfriend who was still asleep.

Eliana sighed reaching for her mobile, she brushed some hair from her face as she sat up, they had recently celebrated Cristiano's twenty-seventh birthday; it was strange to think just how long they had been together.

"Olá?" Eliana greeted answering the call, she didn't check to see who it was only moving to sink down in the covers wanting to keep warm in the cold night air.

Cristiano snuffled in his sleep turning over, he wrapped an arm around his girlfriend and cuddled close to her side; he slept on not waking for anything making Eliana giggle.

However the blonde stopped when she heard Behati's voice, she listened as her best friend cried down the phone to her; she didn't know what was going on but it sounded bad.

Carefully unwrapping Cristiano's arm from around her waist, Eliana quietly climbed out of bed and padded out of the bedroom without disturbing Cristiano.

"What happened Behati?" Eliana asked softly, she brushed some hair from her face; she smiled spotting Abelhinha sleeping on the bottom of the stairs and moved around him without tripping down the stairs.

Eliana listened to Behati cry, she felt bad that she couldn't give her a hug and she wished that there was something that she could do; she could only be a listen to her friend as she explained what had happened.

Behati slowly explained how her boyfriend of seven years had ended things with her, she had gone to visit him in London as a surprise only for him to find him ready to break up with her.

"I'm so sorry," Eliana whispered hating that her friend had to go through this, she was furious that Jamie had ended things in a horrible way that was clearly hurting Behati.

Jamie had dumped Behati without even giving her a moment to put down her bag before he had ended things, he hadn't wanted to drag anything out; they had broken up and it had been a shock for Behati.

Eliana listened to Behati as she talked, things had gotten better for the couple in recent months and yet Jamie had thrown that all away without a second though instead of ending things when they were going badly.

"I wish I knew what to say," Eliana murmured gently, she had no idea what she would do if things ended like that for her and Cristiano; she loved him so much that she feared what they would do afterwards.

Eliana had a feeling that she'd react the same way that Behati was, she wasn't going to take it well and she hoped that she never had to face that moment where she lost the man that she loved.

"It'll be okay Behati," Eliana tried to sooth, she had never seen her friend so upset and she was sure that Behati would find someone better one day; someone who wouldn't treat her like she was next to nothing when she was an amazing person.

Behati sniffled as Eliana tried to comfort her, she felt bad for waking her friend up and she knew that she had been sat around for hours not doing anything but cry after Jamie had broken up with her and gone out for the night with some friends.

"Why don't you come to Madrid?" Eliana suggested wanting to help her friend in some way, she was sure some time away from all the memories that she shared with Jamie; it wouldn't be good for her to stick around London when she had other options.

Eliana knew that if she ever needed it then Behati would do the same for her, she wanted to help her friend in some way.


Cristiano frowned waking up to Eliana climbing back into bed, making him rub his eyes wondering what was going on; he looked at his girlfriend before wrapping an arm around her and pulling her close.

Eliana looked at him, she was surprised that he was awake and she sighed knowing that she would have to tell him that she had invited her best friend to stay for a couple of weeks.

Cristiano closed his eyes preparing to go back to sleep, he nuzzled his face into his girlfriend's shoulder enjoying the feel of her blue print pyjama set that she was wearing on his face.

"You'd be okay if we had someone come stay with us right?" Eliana asked softly, she looked down at Cristiano and chewed on her lip; she had a feeling that she should have asked first but she hadn't known what to do with Behati crying.

Cristiano opened his brown eyes and stared at Eliana, her words sinking in a little before he shrugged too tired to ask what was going on; he cuddled closer to Eliana and tried to go back to sleep.

Eliana smiled running her fingers through Cristiano's hair, she couldn't fall back to sleep and she wasn't sure that she would be doing so anytime soon yet after the talk that she'd had with her best friend.

"Who is coming to stay?" Cristiano asked quietly looking at Eliana, he was sure that they could handle a guest for a couple of weeks as long as it didn't ruin his plans for Valentine's day.

Cristiano had big plans and he knew what he wanted nothing more than to make this special, he had so many plans and he wasn't going to change them; he was planning the perfect proposal for Eliana and sparing no expense.

Cristiano wanted to ask Eliana to marry him in a special way and he had been planning things slowly since Christmas and he wasn't going to be changing his mind; he wanted to do this even if he hadn't told anyone what he was planning yet.

"Behati... her boyfriend dumped her," Eliana murmured not looking at Cristiano, she still couldn't believe it and she knew that things were going to be weird; she just hoped that things would be okay for her friend.

Cristiano nodded her head, he had no idea what to make of that but he knew that it wouldn't deter him; Behati would understand that he was sure and he wasn't going to change his plans.

"That's terrible," Cristiano said watching Eliana, he could see that she was deep in thought and he doubted that it could be a good thing; he wrapped his arm around his and kissed her shoulder wanting to comfort her in some way.

Eliana nodded her head, she sighed sinking back down in the bed and turning to look at Cristiano; she had no idea what to expect when it came to Behati coming to stay but she sure that her best friend was going to be just fine when it came to staying in Madrid.

"I love you," Eliana whispered staring at her boyfriend, she smiled at him as her blue eyes met with his brown ones; she loved the colouring and she wanted their future children had them since they reminded her of caramel.

Cristiano smiled leaning forward and kissing Eliana, he drew her close knowing that he was making the right choice; he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her and there was one thing that he needed to do first and that was speak with William.

Cristiano was planning on asking both of Eliana's parents for their blessing before he asked Eliana to marry him; he had already spoken to Jennifer hinting at what he wanted but he still needed to speak with William.

"I love you too," Cristiano whispered back, he didn't know what was going to happen and he hoped that it went well even if William didn't like him. Eliana was important to him and he hoped that he would be able to make her father see that.

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