Part One - Chapter Six: Getting Serious

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“Is that lover boy again?” Rosie Torres teased moving to sit down next to her best friend, she had missed Eliana while she had been on holiday and was thrilled to be back; she had heard all the gossip about the new man in Eliana’s life.

Eliana blushed and nodded her head, she peeked at the text message from Cristiano surprised how things were working out after only a month of dating; things had been pretty quiet since the couple had started dating and things were going well.

“He wants to meet up for lunch,” Eliana murmured shaking her head with a smile, she had no idea what was going to happen but she was surprised how serious things were between them.

Cristiano text her every day and was always doing things that surprised her, he had sent her flowers the day after their date and always made her feel extra special.

“I’ve never seen you this happy before,” Rosie teased leaning back on the couch, the two had meet during their first day of university and had become fast friends; the two had lived together since second year and their little apartment was a little away from campus.

Eliana snorted and shook her head, she put her phone away wanting to focus on her essay before she got distracted by Cristiano; she had no idea how things had worked out so well.

Turning her attention back to her textbook, Eliana tried to focus wanting nothing more than to get the essay done before she even thought about spending time with Cristiano.

Rosie watched her friend, she was so happy for Eliana but she knew that this wasn’t going to be simple; they were celebrities and it wouldn’t be long before the press worked out that Cristiano and Eliana was dating.

“So when do you think the two of you will go public?” Rosie asked curiously, she brushed some hair from her face wanting her friend to be happy; things might have been new but it wouldn’t stay a secret forever.

Eliana stopped what she was doing and looked at Rosie, she hadn’t actually thought that she needed to announce to the world that she was seeing anyone; she didn’t see how it was anyone else’s business.

“Come on Elle… you have to have thought about it, it’s going to be big news,” Rosie teased softly, she knew how big this was going to be and she was sure that they wouldn’t get much peace and quiet when the news broke that Eliana was dating someone like Cristiano.

It was only a matter of time and Rosie doubted that there was anything that Eliana could do to stop it; the couple were famous and could barely go out without being seen.

“You’re a Victoria Secret Angel and he’s a footballer… everyone will be talking about the two of you,” Rosie reminded watching her friend, she could see how worried Eliana was but she was sure that her friend could handle it; it wasn’t like Cristiano was the first boyfriend that Eliana had ever had.

Eliana groaned realising that Rosie was right, she was going to have to speak to Cristiano about this and then speak with her agent; she would have to warn Tanya about what could possibly happen.

“What am I going to do?” Eliana whispered suddenly not interested in doing her assignment anymore, she grumbled knowing that she didn’t want to seem desperate to tell the press when she spoke with Cristiano.

Rosie sighed and gave her best friend a hug, she was sure that everything would work out fine; she couldn’t imagine Eliana throwing this all away over something so silly.


Cristiano sighed walking out of the locker room, he was pleased with how the session had gone and now he would head home to relax; he wasn’t going to see Eliana since she had school work to do.

Stepping out of the training facility, Cristiano took a deep breath knowing that the last four weeks had been amazing and he knew that it was all down to the model that had caught his attention.

Cristiano stopped walking when he stopped a very familiar figure leaning against his car, he hadn’t been expecting this and he was a little pleased she had come to see him.

“Eliana?” Cristiano asked smiling, he walked towards the blonde who looked up from her phone and smiled at him; he didn’t know why she had come to see him but he was so happy to see her.

Eliana stuffed her phone into her pocket and moved away from the car, she had needed to speak with him after her talk with Rosie and hadn’t been able to resist coming to see him.

“Olá I hope it’s okay that I came here,” Eliana murmured peeking around, she had snuck in and she knew that if she was caught then she would be in trouble; she brushed some hair from her face and smiled at Cristiano.

Cristiano nodded his head moving to hug his girlfriend, it had been a lovely surprise and had certainly brightened up the day; he hadn’t been expecting to see her until the weekend.

“Is everything okay?” Cristiano asked peeking down at Eliana, he wrapped his arms around her; he couldn’t imagine what had made her come and see him like this, he could see that she seemed nervous and it made him worry about what had happened.

Eliana shook her head, she smiled at Cristiano knowing that this wasn’t the place to talk about their relationship; she would bet that there was a pap watching them from the distance.

“Ana,” Cristiano murmured softly, he had chosen his own nickname for her since he had wanted one that no one else really used; he wanted her to talk to him if she had concerns about their relationship.

Eliana sighed and shook her head, she didn’t want to worry him when she was just being silly; she wasn’t interested in having their peace and quiet ruined by anyone.

“It’s just something Rosie said,” Eliana replied not looking at Cristiano, she felt embarrassed that she had shown up like this when something was bothering her; she ducked her head down and stared at her feet.

Cristiano frowned, he liked how their relationship was going and they were doing so well considering that they had been dating for a month; everything was going to be okay and he was sure they would be work things out no matter what the problem was.

“What did she say?” Cristiano asked gently lifting Eliana’s chin so that she was looking at him and not the floor; he loved that she was so shy even if she did walk around in lingerie and on catwalks.

Eliana swallowed and took a deep breath, she didn’t want him to think badly of her; she wasn’t interested in being known as a footballer’s girlfriend, she liked Cristiano for him.  

“She asked when we were going public,” Eliana murmured quietly, she peeked at Cristiano nervous and she hoped he wouldn’t think that was all that she was interested in.

Cristiano chuckled ducking down and kissing Eliana, he held his girlfriend close knowing that he wasn’t in any rush to have people find out about them; he hadn’t even told his mother yet that he had gotten a new girlfriend.

“When we both are ready,” Cristiano whispered pulling away, he knew that things would change when people found out that they were dating and he wasn’t ready to share his new relationship.

Eliana smiled a little relieved, she was happy with how things were and she would like to think that they would be able to hide their relationship for a little longer without any pressure of having to tell people about who she was dating.

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