Part Three - Chapter Three: Keeping Busy

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Eliana yawned padding into the house, the past month had been busy and she was just happy to be home after her latest photo-shoot; she had barely seen Cristiano and Elsa properly in days.

It was hard for Eliana being away from her husband and daughter, she really hadn't expected to be doing this much work after coming back from her honeymoon; Jorge had both her and Cristiano working all the time and he was almost as bad as Tanya had been for keeping Eliana busy.

"I'm home," Eliana called setting down her bag, she brushed her fingers through her hair and looked around; the dogs were out back so she guessed that someone was home right now.

It was a moment before Cristiano padded out of the hallway, he hadn't been expecting her home until later; he hadn't long gotten back from training and he had hoped to relax a little before Jennifer brought Elsa back home.

"Olá," Cristiano greeted walking over to Eliana and wrapping his arms around her, he had missed her while she had been away and he hoped that she had nothing else planned for the rest of the week.

Jorge was keeping them both busy and Cristiano needed to talk to Eliana about something, he had gotten an offer and he wanted to see what she thought about it.

"Olá," Eliana replied kissing Cristiano softly, she smiled up at him knowing that she had some free time now until the Victoria Secret show in November; she was just glad for a little bit of a break.

There was a couple of photo-shoots that she was expected to do but there was a lot that she would be able to handle before the show came around; she was just glad for the chance to relax a little bit with her family.

"I missed you," Cristiano murmured wondering how long it would be before she would be forced to leave him again, he understood that this was her job but he just wished that they had more time together.

Jorge had already told the couple that 2014 would be a busy year for the both of them, he had so much planned for them and he was already getting a head start on some deals for them.

"How was Elsa?" Eliana asked softly, she hated leaving her daughter behind but it was better that she was here with Cristiano than constantly flying around with her mother; she was too young to understand what was going on.

It hurt to be away from her family so much but Eliana knew that she loved her job and Cristiano was being so supportive with everything; he encouraged her to return to work and he helped her in any way that he could.

"She started teething," Cristiano murmured moving them into the living room, he had been doing his best to handle everything with Eliana gone; he didn't want her to feel guilty and she was doing so well with balancing her career and being a mother.

Eliana swallowed, Elsa had been showing signs of teething before she had left and she doubted that could have been easy for Cristiano; she tried to ignore the guilty that she felt knowing that Elsa was okay.

"Your mãe was very helpful," Cristiano reassured, he didn't know what he would have done without Jennifer and she was a massive help with the couple both working.

Cristiano's family were all back in Portugal except for his brother and Hugo had enough happening right now, he had just welcomed his son into the world and was helping his wife out as much as possible.

"There's something that I need to talk to you about," Cristiano murmured knowing that if he didn't do it now then he wouldn't have the guts to do it later, he wanted to know what Eliana thought about the idea of starring in a film.


"They want to film you over fourteen months?" Eliana asked to be sure that she was hearing all of this right, she had expected it to happen after the news that Messi was getting his own film; she just hadn't expected it to happen so soon.

Eliana sipped on her coffee and watched Cristiano, she honestly had no objections to the idea of being filmed at home; she just hoped that they wouldn't be constantly followed around by cameras all the time.

"They wouldn't start until the New Year," Cristiano reassured her, it wasn't going to be easy and he wasn't sure what he was going to do yet; the producers were giving him a couple of months to think about what he was going to do.

It was something that was going to take a lot of thought and he wasn't going to do it if it affected things for Elsa or Eliana; he wanted nothing more than to protect his family.

Eliana nodded her head, she had no idea what was going to happen between now and when they wanted to start filming but she knew that so much could change between now and then for the family.

"Okay," Eliana said nodding her head, she smiled at him knowing that they would mainly be focusing on him; she had no idea what was going to happen but she didn't see what it could hurt to have them filmed.

It was going to be strange but she had dealt with cameras before and Eliana doubted that it would hurt, she kissed Cristiano wanting nothing more than to enjoy whatever time that they had together before she was called away again.

Cristiano held Eliana close, he had no idea what he would ever do without her and he was just happy that she was home with him right now; he wanted nothing more than to protect his family.

The paparazzi were still a nightmare and Cristiano was wary about leaving the house with Elsa, she was seven months old and he wanted to protect her for as long as possible.


Eliana kissed the top of her daughter's head, she couldn't believe how fast she was growing up and she didn't want to miss a moment; she was terrified that she would miss Elsa's first steps or her first word.

Slowly moving to settle Elsa into her bed, Eliana knew that she would give anything to make sure that she could be there for the moments that mattered; she had talked to Jorge and she hoped that she could lighten up her work schedule so she could be home more.

"Ana?" Cristiano murmured watching his wife with their daughter, he knew she was struggling and he would do anything to make this easier for her; he wanted her to be happy and he hated that there was little he could do to help.

Eliana sniffled and shook her head, she turned to look at Cristiano and gave him a small smile; she peeked down at Elsa before quietly walking out of the nursery making Cristiano followed her out.

"Amor," Cristiano whispered wrapping his arms around Eliana, he held her close as she started to cry in his arms; he hated this and he would be speaking to Jorge about making things easier for her.

There had to be a way for her to work from Madrid, he was sure that some shoots could be done here and Eliana deserved to be home more with them.

"It's okay amor," Cristiano murmured softly, he cuddled her knowing that Eliana would be okay and he wasn't going to let her struggle anymore; he would find a way to make this easier for her.

Eliana snuffled and closed her blue eyes, she had no idea what was going to happen but she had a feeling that her worst fears were going to come true and she was going to miss something important in Elsa's life.

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