Part Two - Chapter Eighteen: Back to Normal

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Cristiano grinned picking Elsa up and fussing over her, he was so happy that things had slowly gone back to normal for him and Eliana; he hoped that it stayed that way and he didn't want any more trouble. 

Cristiano couldn't believe that it had been a month since his daughter had been born, Elsa was everything to him and he wanted to ensure that she never had to go through that again. 

Eliana smiled walking back into the living room, she watched Cristiano with Elsa and she knew that she had made the right decision to forgive him; she just hoped this was the end of it. 

"Who was it?" Cristiano asked looking at his fiancée, he was curious about who was calling her and he knew that things had been quiet for them since they had fixed their relationship. 

"Jorge... I have a Victoria Secret shoot next month," Eliana replied knowing that she would be going back to work, she was sure that the shoot would be fine and it would be a great way to get back into doing what she loved. 

Cristiano paused and looked at Eliana, his stomach dropped a little at the thought of Eliana being around Behati; he had no idea what would happen between the two friends now that he had told her what had happened a year ago. 

"It'll be fine Cris," Eliana said knowing why he was worried, she didn't blame him after what had happened but she needed to do this; she wanted to talk with Behati and she doubted they would ever recover from this. 

Cristiano nodded his head, he looked at Elsa and sighed knowing that there was nothing he could do now; he just hoped that Eliana wouldn't come back angry at him. 

"It won't change a thing," Eliana promised him as she sat down beside him, she needed to know why Behati had done it especially when she had done so much for her friend. 

Cristiano nodded and kissed her, he couldn't help but be hopeful that Eliana would be okay with this; he didn't want to lose her after everything that had happened in the last month.


Cristiano padded into the living room and smiled spotting Eliana curled up on the couch, she had a bridal magazine in her hands and he was glad to see that she was thinking about their wedding. 

"I've been thinking," Cristiano said making Eliana look at him, he sat down next to her and kissed her softly; he had put a lot of thought into it and he knew what he wanted to do. 

Eliana smiled into the kiss, it was quiet for a moment and she knew that it wouldn't be long before Elsa was awake from her name; she couldn't believe how fast the first month had gone. 

"How would you feel if I came to the show this year?" Cristiano asked kissing Eliana, he wanted to be there to support her and the show was often taped mid-week so it wouldn't clash with any matches that he might have. 

Eliana stared at Cristiano, she was a little surprised at his question but she knew that it would mean so much to her if he could do that; she doubted it would happen if a match clashes with the date of filming. 

"The Victoria Secret show?" Eliana checked to be sure, she only had one run-way show that year; she had put others off since she had Elsa to think about now. 

Cristiano nodded his head, he knew that he would be able to pull it off and he wanted to be there for Eliana; she worked so hard and he knew that this was the biggest event in her year. 

"Cris," Eliana whispered not wanting to get her hopes up, there was every chance he would have a match and she knew that unless he was injured then there was no way he could be there. 

Cristiano shook his head, he was determined to do this and he was sure that he could pull it off; he worked hard and he wanted to do this for Eliana.


"Do you have any idea when you want to get married?" Cristiano asked feeding Elsa her bottle, he smiled down at his daughter and he couldn't believe how perfect she was; he was sure she was going to be just like her mother. 

Eliana looked at Cristiano, they hadn't really said anything about getting married and she knew that it would take a little while pulling together since they were both so busy.

"Not for another year at least," Eliana said knowing that there was so much going on, she brushed some hair from her face and watched Cristiano; she knew what she wanted and she hoped that he wanted the same thing. 

"I want to get married in Portugal," Eliana explained softly, it was always going to be her home and she knew that nothing would change that; she looked at Cristiano and Elsa knowing it was a big part of them all. 

Cristiano nodded his head, he wanted the same thing and he was sure that their mothers would both love that; he knew that it would be easier to plan one secretly if they did it there. 

"So do I," Cristiano reassured making Eliana smile, she was glad that they could slowly agree on things and she hoped it was a good sign for their wedding. 

Cristiano shifted Elsa in his arms carefully, he couldn't imagine what was going to happen and he hoped that things would pan out for them smoothly; they'd had enough drama in the past couple of months and he didn't want anymore. 

"Any ideas where?" Cristiano asked curiously, he could imagine how long Eliana had been thinking about this and he knew he wouldn't deny her anything; their wedding was going to something that they both remembered. 

Eliana smiled, she had done a lot of thinking about what she wanted and there was just two venues that she was wanted to get married in.

"There's Quinta Das Vistas in Madeira," Eliana said eyeing Cristiano carefully, she was sure that he would like either venue and she had a couple of brochures if he didn't like what she was suggesting. 

Cristiano smiled at Eliana and he didn't really mind where they got married as long as they did; he wanted to marry her and he knew that he would wait forever if he had to. 

"Then the Tivoli Carvoeiro in the Algarve," Eliana continued as Cristiano finished feeding Elsa her bottle, he smiled down at their daughter before he handed her over to Eliana. 

Cristiano didn't have to guess which venue that Eliana wanted more, he wanted Eliana to be happy and he was sure that he would be either way; he couldn't imagine what was going to happen in the future. 

"Pick the venue that makes you happy Ana," Cristiano said making his fiancée stare at him, he knew what he was doing and he was sure that their wedding was going to be perfect. 

Eliana was silent for a moment, she had no idea what to say to him and she knew that this wasn't just about her; she didn't want to go completely over the top with their wedding. 

"Are you sure?" Eliana asked watching Cristiano, she couldn't imagine what was going through his mind especially with something this important. 

Cristiano nodded his head, he kissed Eliana and he already knew that she would have no issues getting the venue that she wanted; he wanted her to be happy and she would be. 

Eliana smiled and kissed Cristiano back, she couldn't believe that this was actually happening and she hoped they could get a date that wouldn't clash with the world cup in Brazil.

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