Part Two - Chapter Fifteen: Not So Perfect

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Eliana yawned brushing some hair from her face, she was happy to be home with their daughter and she knew that Cristiano hadn't slept much when she'd been in hospital after having Elsa. 

Cristiano had barely left their sides and he had gotten into a little bit of trouble with Mourinho for his refusal to be away from his fiancée and newborn daughter for longer than needed. 

Eliana didn't know what had gotten into her fiancé but she knew that Mourinho would be quite happy to bench him if he didn't get over this; she didn't want to be the reason that he got into trouble with the club that was a big part of his life. 

"Cris?" Eliana murmured walking over to her fiancé, she smiled watching him hold Elsa and she hoped that he would tell her what is wrong; everything had been just fine until they had brought the little girl home. 

Cristiano peeked at Eliana and smiled at her, he knew that she was worried about his behaviour but he hoped that they would be able to just carry on; he looked down at Elsa who was sleeping soundly in his arms. 

"Will you please tell me what is going on?" Eliana asked sitting down next to him, their daughter was barely a week old and already he was freaking out over something; she was worried that this might be something serious. 

Cristiano didn't look at Eliana, he knew he was being stupid and he was risking a lot by the way that he was acting but he couldn't help himself when he had Elsa in his life now. 

"She's perfect," Cristiano whispered looking to Eliana, he wanted to protect Elsa from everything and he didn't know what he was going to do if something happened to her. 

Eliana stared at him, she wasn't sure where this was going but she hoped that someone hadn't said something to him to make him think that this wasn't his family. 

Eliana knew that the press were dying for some gossip around the birth of their daughter, they had even tried to spin the tale that Elsa wasn't Cristiano's daughter.

"I worry that I might not be enough for her," Cristiano said shaking his head, he didn't know how to be a father and he knew that he was far from perfect; he had never thought that he would have something so perfect. 

Eliana watched him, she was silent knowing that Cristiano wasn't finished and she hoped that she would be able to comfort him in his doubts; she could see something was truly bothering him. 

"I worry that I will never be good enough for you... I am a selfish person," Cristiano continued on, he knew that it was time to be completely honest with Eliana and he hoped that she didn't just end things; he knew that he should have been honest with her from the start. 

Eliana looked at Cristiano wondering why he was talking like this, she had no idea what was going on and she wished that he would tell her what was wrong. 

"Behati kissed me," Cristiano revealed staring down at Elsa for a moment before he looked at Eliana, he had been selfish and stupid not to confess this sooner; he had hidden it for a year and now he was finally being a man and confessing what had happened. 

Eliana was silent as she stared at her fiancée, she didn't want to believe what she was hearing right now; she felt sick and she didn't know what to say to him. 

"It was after we got engaged... she was upset and I tried to comfort her," Cristiano explained softly, he wanted Eliana to know about this and he didn't want the guilt to eat away at him now that Elsa had been born; he prayed he was doing the right thing. 

Eliana was completely silent, she wondered why she was only hearing about this now and she feared where this might lead.

"I pushed her away," Cristiano said doubting that it made any different, he had still betrayed Eliana's trust and he hoped that she would be able to forgive him for what he had done. 

Elsa slept soundly unaware of what was happening, she had no idea of the secret that her father had just revealed or how this could break apart her parents relationship; she was oblivious to the world around her. 

"I should have told you right after it had happened," Cristiano whispered shaking his head, he had been a coward and he knew that; there was nothing that he wouldn't give to change what he had done a year ago. 

Eliana closed her eyes, she couldn't believe that this was actually happening and she knew that things were going to change after what was happening; she didn't even know what to say right now. 

"I was so scared that I would lose you," Cristiano whimpered turning to look at Eliana, he hated that he was hurting her and he should have been better for her sake; he wanted to be better for Elsa's sake now. 

Cristiano had made a mess of things and the last week had seen everything that he had ever feared started to eat away at him; he didn't want to lose his family and that was why he was now speaking up before something happened. 

"Eliana please say something," Cristiano pleaded watching his fiancée, he didn't like how quiet she was being and he prayed that she was going to leave him after this. 

Eliana took a deep breath to try and calm her thoughts, she didn't know how to feel about this and she knew that she needed to step back to clear her mind. 

"I need time to think," Eliana whispered shaking her head, she looked at Cristiano knowing that this wasn't what she had expected to happen when she had sat down to talk to him. 

Cristiano stared at her, he should have expected this and he hoped that by giving her what she needed that they would be able to work this out; he wanted to make things better and to fix this.


"I'll stay with my madre," Eliana said putting Elsa in the car seat and making sure that she was okay, she didn't look at Cristiano who had just returned from setting her bags in the car. 

Eliana had only packed a week's worth of clothes, she didn't want to raise any suspicions that they were having problems; the press would be all over them in a moment if they thought that there was something going on. 

Cristiano nodded his head, he watched Eliana with their daughter and he prayed that they would be able to fix this; he had no idea what was going to happen now but he wanted to fix this before they ended things. 

Eliana took a deep breath as she turned around to face Cristiano, she needed time to wrap her head around things; she had no idea what to do right now, she needed a chance to think about all of this. 

"I'll have my madre bring Elsa around in a couple of days," Eliana continued crossing her arms, she had no idea what to say right now and she felt so awkward. 

Eliana wasn't upset about the kiss, she was more upset about the fact that Cristiano and Behati had hidden it from her; she couldn't help but feel that she was missing something right now. 

Cristiano nodded not saying a word, nothing that he could say now was going to make this right; he just had to wait and see what would happen now. 

Eliana carefully slipped off her 18ct gold half carat diamond three stone engagement ring and handed it back to Cristiano, she couldn't bring herself to wear it after everything that had happened tonight. 

Cristiano took the ring and held it tight in his hand, Eliana pressed a kiss to his cheek before she collected Elsa and walked out of their home not looking back as Cristiano broke down.

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