Part One - Chapter Eighteen: Graduation

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"You look beautiful," Cristiano said kissing Eliana, he wrapped his arms around his girlfriend and he couldn't help but feel proud of her since she had just graduated from university.

Eliana smiled up at Cristiano, she had been so surprised that he had shown up for her graduation especially since she had assumed that he was still in Portugal after what had happened to his brother.

Cristiano held Eliana close for a moment, he had spotted her parents earlier and he knew they still weren't very fond of him even if he had been dating their daughter for nearly a year now.

"Obrigada for the flowers," Eliana replied, she had been surprised that morning when she had been getting ready that he had sent her flowers to congratulate her on graduating.

Eliana had gotten a 2:1 in literature and Cristiano couldn't have been happier for her, he knew that she deserved it since she had worked so hard to get her studies.

"It's no problem," Cristiano murmured wrapping an arm around Eliana as they started to walk towards her parents, he was so nervous and he wanted nothing more than to relax with his girlfriend.

Eliana did look beautiful in her green lace dress mid length paired with white peep toe heels; she had been wearing the university's black graduation gown earlier and Cristiano hadn't been able to keep his eyes off of her.

"I'm so proud of you," Jennifer cooed moving forward to hug Eliana, she peeked surprised to see Cristiano here and she knew that she was still unsure of what to make of the footballer.

William stared at Cristiano, he was hoping that they'd have Eliana to themselves for the afternoon but he knew that he couldn't just insist that the footballer leave; for some strange reason Eliana was still dating him and it was starting to worry William.


"Obrigado for the invite to dinner," Cristiano said smiling at Eliana's parents, he hoped that this was a good sign and he had intentions of asking Eliana to move in with him later that night; he already had a key cut and he was ready to do it.

Jennifer smiled a little at Cristiano, if the footballer was here to stay then she was going to have to get used to him since Eliana seemed to really like him.

"Don't mention it," William muttered a little annoyed that he was having to share Eliana for the afternoon, he hadn't been expecting his wife to ask Cristiano to join them for dinner.

Jennifer elbowed her husband in the ribs and smiled at Cristiano, she wanted Eliana to be happy and if the footballer made her so then they were going to have to get used to him being around a lot more.

"It's no problem at all," Jennifer replied looking at Cristiano, she wanted things to be nice and it was an important meal for Eliana since she had graduated from university; there would be no fighting over dinner tonight.

Eliana peeked at her parents over the top of her menu, she could see that they were trying and that was all that she could ask; it was the first time that she'd ever truly been with someone like she had been with Cristiano.

"So I hear you both have plans for a holiday, anywhere nice?" Jennifer asked moving to open her own menu, she knew that Eliana deserved a lovely holiday and a break would be good for her.

Cristiano would be going back to training in at the end of the month and Jennifer knew that Eliana was always busy in August; she had a feeling this was where the couple would struggle.

"The Maldives," Cristiano replied sipping on his water, he was happy to spend time with his girlfriend and her parents; it wasn't going to put him off his plan and he hoped that Eliana was going to say yes.

Eliana smiled at the thought of their holiday, they were due to leave next week and the idea of being away for two weeks with Cristiano sounded wonderful since she had barely seen him since she had finished her exams.

Jennifer nodded her head, she loved how happily Eliana seemed and she had a feeling that Cristiano might be the one for her daughter; she had never seen Eliana look this in love before and it was down to Cristiano.

"That sounds lovely," Jennifer said having never been to the Maldives, she knew that Eliana offered every year to send her and William away but the couple always refused to take their daughter's money.

William frowned at the idea of his daughter going on holiday, it was a waste of money and he didn't see why so many people did it when there were things that could be done so much closer to home.

Cristiano nodded his head, he knew that Eliana's parents didn't really go on holiday and from the look on William's face at the idea of his own with Eliana's; he could guess why and he hoped that they were going to be okay.

"So what is everyone having?" Eliana asked sensing that her father was going to say something negative, she knew her mother wanted to go abroad but coming to Madrid to see her was as far as her parents had ever gotten.

Cristiano took a deep breath and focused on his menu, he wanted to get along with Eliana's parents and he was pleased to see that Jennifer was warming to him even if William was being resistant.


"You didn't have to get me anything," Eliana said smiling at Cristiano as he handed her a small box, she hadn't been expecting him to get her anything for her graduation and she was curious to what it could be.

Cristiano chuckled sitting down next to Eliana, he was a little nervous about what she would say when she opened the box; he hoped that he wasn't overstepping by asking her to move in.

"It's not much," Cristiano replied with a shrug of his shoulders, he sat back in his couch and watched her; they were doing so well and he wanted her to stay at his more often and live with him after they had come back from their holiday.

Eliana slowly opened the box to reveal a key, she stared down at it for a moment and wondered if he was just giving her a key to his place or if he was asking for something more.

"Move in with me?" Cristiano confirmed seeing the confusion on Eliana's face, he smiled knowing that it was silly but he knew what he wanted and coming home to her every day sounded perfect.

Cristiano was ready to take that step with Eliana and he knew that it was going to be good for them; he didn't like the idea of her moving away from him when things were going so well for them.

"Cris..." Eliana whispered surprised, she certainly hadn't been expecting that and she had a feeling that he had been planning this since she had told him her lease on her apartment was up and she wouldn't be living with Rosie anymore.

Cristiano smiled at Eliana, he knew this was a surprised but he wasn't going to change his mind; he would be busy with football and she would be busy with her modelling, he didn't want them to break up because of their busy schedules.

"Yes I'll move in with you," Eliana agreed hoping that they would both be ready for this step, she had spent the odd night at Cristiano's home more so than back at the apartment and it made sense to make this step.

Eliana kissed Cristiano, she had a feeling that they were going to be perfectly fine. 

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