chapter one: new girl

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(picture credits: @ orengiicha of twitter!!)

You walk down the stairs to your fathers office to see him working. You glance over to the side of his desk to see some alcohol with the bottle half empty.

"Y/n why the fuck have you been doing all day in your room? The maids said you even locked your door" asked your dad.

"I was unpacking my stuff and a box was right in front of the door. I didn't want anybody to hit the box" i lied.

"Didnt you hear them knock? or did you suddenly go deaf?" your dad asked harshly.

"I didn't hear them knock or say anything so i didn't know they were calling me" i answered trembling.

"DON'T LIE TO ME LITTLE GIRL" your dad screamed at you. He saw you flinch and sighed.

"Fine. Eat dinner then go to your room" he said.

You nodded and walked away. Once you got to your room you dropped to the floor shaking with tears running down your face. you tried to cancel out as much sound as possible. You run over to your bed and put your weed box away. Before you walked out you drowned yourself in winter candy apple perfume from bath & body works.

You walk down to go get dinner when one of the maids who were passing by stopped and said "I like your perfume miss" she said smiling.

You smile back and say "thank you" trying to hold back your laugh.

(next day)
You hear a buzzing sound coming from your side. You flutter your eyes open to see that it was your alarm going off telling you it was time to get ready for school. You shower, brush your teeth comb you hair, then got dressed in your new school uniform.


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You head back to the bathroom and put on some light mascara, eyeliner, and lip gloss. You grab your bag and head downstairs to eat breakfast. You see your dad already there with the newspaper and a half eaten pancake. I place my bag down and start eating.

"Are you excited for your first day at your new high school y/n?" asked your father.

You thought to yourself, "is this fucker really asking me that?"

"Yes father. I am excited to meet my new teachers and classmates" i replied.

"I am very pleased to hear that. I also expect you to get the best grades and be the top student of the school. We have to bring a good name to our family" he said.

"Is he for real right now? Not even a "good luck" or "do your best" son of a bitch" i thought to myself. I smirked, "Of course father." Hey just because i hated my father and his expectations doesn't mean i don't want to beat all those sorry losers.

You finish your food and go put it in the sink. One of the maids then said "Oh miss you don't have to do that. You could always leave your plate on the table."

I replied "It's okay Fuwa(maids name) i got it. I'll even wash my own dish."

"MISS IT'S OKAY I GOT IT. IT'S MY JOB AFTER ALL HAHA" she then takes the plate and sponge from my hands, "YOU SHOULD GET ON YOUR WAY TO SCHOOL I WILL HANDLE THIS" she exclaimed.

I just laughed and said "Okay then. Thank you Fuwa. I'll be in my way then." I grab my back and start heading out. Before heading out i hear Fuwa lightly yell, "HAVE A GOOD DAY MA'AM" i chuckled to myself and got into the car.

You soon arrive at inarizaki. You roll down the window and see students passing. Your driver pulls up and turns back to say "We're here ma'am. Have a good day at school." i smile and say "Thank you Ukai. I'll be off then" You've always loved and appreciated that old geezer.

You examine the school and student before walking in. You see students locking up their bike and see students in groups laughing and heading into school. You put on a straight face and started walking into the building. You immediately had eyes on you. You could tell they were thinking "woah new student." You even heard someone say "yo look at the new girl." You just ignored them and kept walking. You were used to this.

You were trying to get to the schools office only to get lost. You look around to see if you could ask anyone for directions. You look to your left seeing three boys talking to each other. Two were fighting while the other one was leaning against the wall. "they look safe" you decided. You walked up to them having all of them immediately stopping what they're doing and look at you.

You freeze and then asked "u-um could you maybe tell me where the schools office is?" They just stared and didn't say anything. You started feeling uncomfortable until the one leaving against the wall said "yea i'll walk you there." You look at him and smile and said "thank you." You both walk off and heard the other two say "what the fuck why does he get to walk the new girl?" you heard one say. The other responded "shut the fuck up man. but anyways wasn't she like really cute." you chuckled to yourself.

(stopping it here. HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT)

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