chapter two: meeting the twins

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(picture credits: @ kukpike on twitter!!)
as the mysterious boy was leading you to the office he decided to make small talk so he asked, "So you new here?"

"Well obviously. Do you think i'd ask you boys if i wasn't new?" you answered.

"Well someone's got an attitude" he muttered. You shot him an icy glare.

"Well what's your name then?" he suddenly asked.

"Y/n L/n. What's your name pretty boy?" i replied.

"Rintaro Suna and what's with the pet name?" he said while pouting.

i just chuckled a bit as we got to our destination. i had totally forgot he was leading me to the office.

i start walking to open the door then say "Well thank you very much mr Suna."

He smirked then said "you're quite welcome ms y/n" as he bowed. i walked away laughing.

i greeted the teachers and was soon faced with the principal.

"Welcome ms l/n. We are very lucky to have you attend here at Inarizaki. Here is your schedule for the year."

I bowed and said my thank yous and goodbyes. i looked at the time and saw class was just about to start. i speed walk to first period, history, only to see Suna sitting down in one of the seats.

i walk in and all eyes revert on me. The teacher welcomes me in and tells me to introduce myself.

"Hello, i am y/n l/n. I recently just moved back here from France due to my mother passing away. I am excited to get to know each and every one of you. I hope we can get along" i said as i soon bowed.

A girl then raised her hand.

The teacher then said, "Yes Rinka?"

Rinka asked "Aren't you like rich? You're father is the famous fashion designer and your mother was a well known actress?"

I lightly chuckled and said "Yes. I am their only daughter but at the moment i am just their daughter and nothing more."

Everyone stared but i saw Suna gazing at me with possessive eyes. We made eye contact for a minute and then he smirked catching me off guard.

"Well if that's it y/n would you like to go take a seat? Your welcomed to choose any seat you'd like."

I looked around debating on where i should sit.

Suna raised his hand and asked "Miss can y/n sit in front of me?"

She looked shocked by that question but then excitedly answered, "of course! If thats okay with y/n of course."

I looked back at me to see Suna making an evil smirk.

I looked back at the teacher and said trying to force my smile "I'm okay with it miss."

i went to go sit down in front of Suna. He sat in the very back right corner by the window. I didn't hate this seat.

The teacher soon got on with the lesson. As I was writing the stuff down I felt a thud hit my chair. I chose to ignore it thinking I heard wrong but I heard it again. I turn around to see Suna barely being able to hold in his laugh. I stare at him thinking "seriously? Is he this childish?"

I turn back to the front continuing writing stuff down. The same thud hit my chair.

"No matter how frustrated you are or how much you want to lash out at someone, always try to hold it in. Don't let them see the reaction they wish to see or else they win" I remembered my mom telling me when i was young.

Class soon ended. Second and third period passed and it was now lunch. You walk out of class only to be pulled to the side by Suna.

"Seriously. What do you want from me pretty boy? I don't have all day." i said to him.

"Geez can't i invite the new girl to have lunch." I look at him really rethinking my decision on asking him for help.

You both stare into each other's eyes for a while until you finally give in.

"Fine. You win pretty boy." He smiles and laughs. He grabs your hand leading you to where ever. 

"Where are you dragging me too? The cafeteria is the other way" you ask curiously.

"We're going to go get food with some of my friends."

You think about who his friends are and remember those two from earlier.

You guys get to the parking lot and you see those twins.

"HEY YOUR THAT CUTE GIRL FROM EARLIER!!!" the one with the yellowish hair yelled.

You jump a little by his reaction. You just smile and say "Hi im y/n l/n."

The one with ashy gray hair said "Wait you mean the y/n l/n?"

You respond "Yea that's me, but i promise you im nothing special."

"Okay enough im fucking starving so let's go. Y/n you sit up front" Suna said.

(okay um pretend they can drive okay😐)

You blush at what he said but immediately stop.

You get in and Suna passes you his phone.

"Play something."

You take his phone and take a look. He was quite organized with his apps. You find spotify and search for "Eyes on Fire" by Blue Foundation. You play it and see he has this sound saved.

Once the song comes on Suna turns towards you and smiles.

"Not bad y/n. I thought you were gonna put on some classical stuff " he laughed.

You just sit there and listen to the twins bickering in the back. You lean against the window and start mumbling the lyrics along with the song.

Suna notices and smirks. The twins also start noticing and quiet down so they could hear you.

The duet part was coming up.

Suna then starts singing as well. You turn towards him shocked. You smile and continue singing.
as im driving and hear some faint singing and look over to see it was y/n. God she's amazing.

It was like I was in a trance. I couldn't take my eyes off her.

The duet part was coming up. I started singing with her to catch her off guard. Her reaction was priceless. She's so cute.
Once the song ended you guys got to the place you were eating at. You guys get out of the car and head into the restaurant. You guys order your food and go sit down.

"Oh yea we haven't introduced ourselves. I'm osamu miya. This is my idiotic twin brother atsumu miya."

"THE BETTER TWIN" atsumu exclaimed.

You just laugh and say "Well it's nice to meet you guys."

You guys get your food and start eating. You guys make jokes and laugh at the stupidest things. Once you guys were done you start heading back to school.

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