chapter thirteen

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i got to school in a rush after sleeping in. That damn nightmare happened again.

As I got into the classroom a bunch of people were gathered at my desk.

"Hey what's going on?" I said as I walked over to see what was happening.

"Um.. Y/n someone's threatening you" izumi turned towards me pointing at what was written on my desk.

"For what? I haven't even been here for a month" I scoffed.

"Y/n it says that if you don't stop hanging around suna then they're gonna come after you" misa says as her voice trembles.

I could see she's frighten by this so I shouldn't just brush it off.

I put my hand on misa's shoulder and reassured her, "it's alright misa, nothings going to happen to me."

"yea that's right! I heard what she did at a dinner party recently. She totally beat the shit out of this snot nosed brat who didn't know her place!! if you ask me y/n seems capable of handling this" emiko exclaimed.

"well thank you for that emiko but I practically started it but I don't regret so" I giggled.

"Of course!! I'm sure that prick must have done something to set you off" she said.

"yea y/n is always so calm and collective. there's no way she would've rocked her shit for fun" akari commented.

"thanks guys but this honestly doesn't bother me" I grabbed my towel from my gym bag and started wiping my desk, "ive had worse things happen honestly. this is nothing."

Suna soon came in and saw everyone around my desk. He stomped over and pushed through the small crowd. He saw me wiping down my desk and grabbed one of our classmates shirts.

"Who did this? Tell me now" he snarled.

"Hey dumbass, none of them did this" I said.

He let go of his shirt and walked in front of me. He stood before me and stared down at me.

"W-what? Why are you glaring like that?"

"No reason. What'd it say?"

"It's none of your business. You don't have to do anything" I looked away from his gaze.

"Tch. If that's how you wanna be then so be it" he walked over to his desk and slumped down into his chair.

I gave the towel back and did the same. Jeez whats up with him. Someone put something in his drink or what.

The first half of the day went by pretty quick. It was now lunch and I was heading up to the roof when I heard someone on the stairs talking.

"It's none of my business" I said.

"So what do you want with y/n" a familiar voice said.

"Well I mean if they said my name it obviously includes me" I shrugged.

I looked over to see a girl and suna talking.

"What? How could you accuse me of all people?" she pouts.

"Cut the crap mitsuki. I know you did it" suna looks irritated.

Mitsukis face soon turned into a cold gaze, "so what if I did huh? Is she your new girlfriend? Are you really replacing me with that bimbo? I'm way cuter than her and I know all of your favorite things!"

"Is this girl for real? Jeez I guess kuroo was right about her being all psycho" I muttered.

"She isn't my girlfriend, but she will be. I fell in love with her so what? That doesn't mean you get off threatening her" he scolds.

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