chapter twenty-three

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i open my door and head straight for my bed. im about to crash and its only 4 in the afternoon. i look to the side and see a small pretty white box with a pink bow. i smile as i sit up and grab the box. i open it and see a necklace inside. its a silver heart locket.

i open it and see a picture of haru, hikaru, and me inside from when we were younger. i look inside the box again and see a letter.

hey kid, i missed you a lot. i hope you've been doing well. we haven't been able to talk much but i want you to know that i'm always here for you. i know things have been tough with your dad especially since you've been by yourself so i got you this to remind you that haru and i are always here for you.
love, hikaru

jesus this guy is so sappy. i get up and walk to my mirror to put the necklace on. its perfect. i look at it for a while until i remember the others texted me. i grab my phone and look to see almost fifty messages. still none from suna.

hey y/n i hope everythings okay! some kids from Fukurōdani academy are throwing a party and the others and i were wondering if you wanted to go. text me back asap!!!!

"misa is too much sometimes" i laugh.

should i go? so much has happened i dont know if its a good idea. as im contemplating haru and hikaru barge in through the door.

"hey y/n did you get my present?" hikaru asks as he jumps on my bed to lay down.

"yea i did i love it. thanks hikaru"

haru murmurs, "i didnt get a present," as he looks at us with puppy eyes

"yea thats because i see you everyday of my life," hikaru retorts back.

(haru and hikaru are living together because of school)

i laugh and notice haru peeking at my phone. i pull my phone back and glare at him, "um nosy much?"

"you gonna go to that party?" he asks looking at me.

"i dont know yet. still debating. i dont really feel up to it."

"y/n you should go. live a little while your still young. when haru and i were your age we partied so hard we had to retire from that life" hikaru chimes in.

"uh yea thats not very convincing" i say giving him a side eye.

"come on we'll even be your dd and help you pick out an outfit" haru begs.

"why do you even want me to go so bad? just because you partied too hard my age and cant anymore doesnt mean you can live vicariously through me" i scoff.

"its not about that. i just want you to have fun and not let what happened affect the way your supposed to live life. i want you to have fun y/n because your my little sister. i dont want you to live life with all of dads expectations and burdens constantly on you" haru confessed.

that hurt my heart. haru probably feels responsible for dads actions towards me since hes not home. i hope he knows its not his fault.

i smile at haru and hikaru and told them to pick me an outfit for this stupid party.

these two idiots jump off my bed and go straight to my closet. i text misa back asking what time it starts.

YAY ! im so excited you decided to go, its at 6. we'll see you there❤️.

damn its already 4:30. i look through my messages and still none from suna.

screw him. if he wants to pout and be a baby then thats fine its not my problem.

suna x reader Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя