ACTUAL chapter nineteen

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i must've been exhausted. i fell asleep the moment I layed down.

I dragged myself out of bed and went downstairs to make myself a coffee.

"Good morning ms y/n" fuwa (one of the maids who was there when y/ns mom died) greeted me as she passed by.

I made my coffee and headed back upstairs to work on the homework i missed out on. It turned out we had a test on monday so i had to catch up quick.


it was suna.

pretty boy

good morning love

good morning pretty boy
needed something?

i was just gonna ask you if you
wanted to study together
you know since we missed all those days

oh sure i was just studying right now
akari says we have a test on monday
so we better hurry up

okay i'll meet you at the cafe
i'll see you later doll face


(low key dry but i couldn't come up with anything else 😞)

oh maybe the twins and the girls would want to come.

i sent the texts to them and got up from my chair to go get ready. I was taking off my clothes when i noticed the hoodie suna gave me. better wash it before i give it back. i grabbed my robe and headed downstairs to give it to ukai.

"Ukai! Can you wash this for me? I need to go get ready to go out" I called out.

I was walking down the hall when i bump into haru.

"Oh good morning sis. You going out this morning?"

"Uh yea I'm gonna study with some friends" I said.

"Oh yea? And who's hoodie is that?" he said pointing at the mysterious burgundy hoodie in my hands.

"It's uh" why am I having such a hard time saying it's just sunas?

Haru looks at me suspiciously then gasps so loud it even startled father who was just coming out of his room, "IS IT THAT BOY YOU WERE WITH YESTER-MRMPR!"

I punch haru in the face to keep him for finishing that sentence.

"eek! Sorry haru it was a.. um.. twitch?.."

"THAT WAS A TWITCH?!" haru asks holding his hand to his cheek.

"What in the world are you two doing outside my room?" fathers asks looking at us both.

"I just needed ukai to do something for me and I bumped into haru" I explain.

"Uhhh yea that's what happened" haru says side glaring me.

"Hm. Y/n where are you going this morning?"

"I'm going to study with some friends today. We have a test coming up soon."

"Studying with people? That isn't like you. And studying with others gets you no where. You will only be distracted."

"Father I assure you I won't be distracted. I know what I need to learn. I'm just going out to get a little more help from friends. That's all." I said with a low voice.

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