chapter twenty

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the next day i woke up to find haru knocked out on the floor. I could tell he stayed up all night just in case my father came in the room again because he has dark circles under his eyes.

I got up and went to shower. I put on my clothes and makeup and went down stairs to leave.

as i was about to open the door someone crept up behind me

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as i was about to open the door someone crept up behind me.

"Where are you off to this morning?" ukai asked.

I jumped startled by his appearance. My voice shaking a little I answered, "I'm going to the cafe to study."

I turn to give him a crooked smile and he sighs.

"Just be careful and stay safe. Be home by 10 if youre going anywhere else and let me or your brother know."

"I definitely will. Thank you ukai" i walk out the door and drive off.

I get to the cafe, order my coffee and find a seat by the window.

A few minutes into studying, i see mitsuki and some of her friends walk in.

"Oh great just what i needed" i sighed.

I continued studying trying not to catch their attention when mitsuki walks in front of me.

"Look what the cat dragged in" she snickered.

I ignored her knowing it'd piss her off.

"hey pay attention to me you brat!" she said slamming her hands on the table.

"oh hi i didn't see you there, still itching to mess with people to get popularity?" i smiled at her.


"ugh just shut up and get out of here" she gave me a distasteful look.

"who's going where? im not moving."

"yes you are. move. or i'll have them take you out like the garbage you are" she crossed her arms like a toddler.

i just started at her and started laughing my ass off.


"BWAHAHA im sorry i just really couldn't help myself" I said laughing hysterically.

"I warned you!" she goes for my arm and i immediately swipe her hand away.

"who said you could touch me?" I give her a deadly stare.

She flinches but still stands tall and says, "I told you to get out of here and you didn't, so we're gonna take you out by force."

I looked around at the people murmuring and the workers not knowing what to do. I sighed and packed my things and got up. I ignored her and left the cafe.

"Damn it" I said grinding my teeth. I got into my car and started to drive off to the beach. I blasted reflections by the neighborhood. Once I grabbed my bag and walked off to an empty corner by the edge.

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