chapter twenty-two

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as i was talking to oreki i felt a sudden chill go down my spine and at the corner of my eye i see suna staring me down. what the actual fuck.

i try to keep myself compose but obito already seems to have noticed it.

"hey y/n, is that your boyfriend staring us down?" he asks curiously.

"no. hes not my boyfriend. his name is suna and i have no clue why hes shooting daggers at us, i suggest we ignore him," i replied as we continued with our conversation.

we talked about school and i found out he's really good at literature and writing. he told me he was working on a short novel and plans to submit it into contest thats happening at his school.

"that amazing oreki. i couldnt even dream of doing something like that. but i do like to read, you should let me read your book once its finished," i said as he blushes from my comment.

"ahh its not even close to being finished. to be honest im kinda having a writers block right now and obis always bugging me to go places with him so i dont really have much time to myself," he says scratching his head.

i feel bad for the guy. having a friend like obi sounds draining. sounds like a familiar person (atsumu).

as we continue with our conversation i see suna and the others walking towards us. sunas scowl is fierce and he looks like hes about to jump someone. god why is he like this.

i turn to oreki and put my hand to my mouth and whisper, "hey oreki so my friends are coming over and one of them is kind of menacing so just to warn you."

"the guy that was shooting daggers at us earlier?" he asks curiously.

"um yea so please dont mind him."

~sunas pov~
what the hell. whats y/n whispering to him about? and why do they look so close.

"hey does y/n and that guy seem close to you guys?" i ask the others.

they all stare at me like im crazy or something then start smiling.

atsumu, whos smiling like crazy, opens his mouth and says, "hmmm i dont know they do look pretty close to me if you ask why dont we go check it out."

"yea yea lets go see," emiko smirks following his lead.

we walk up to them and y/n introduces us to him.
so his names houtaro oreki. i know he's that idiot obitos best friend but what's he doing here.

"oreki and i were just talking about some stuff. sorry to keep you guys waiting," y/n says as her phone rings.

she looks down and her face drops all of a sudden. she looks up at me and forces a smile.

"ah sorry guys i have to go. some stuff suddenly came up," shet gets up and gathers her things, "i'll see you all later and get home safe."

she didn't even give us time to say anything and left.
oreki gets up as well and says he has to get back to work.

"i wonder is y/n is okay," misa says as we stand there not knowing what to do.

i look at my phone and at the time. shit.

"hey guys i gotta head out too," i said bye to everyone and headed out.

im fucked if im too late.

~back to y/n~
i get in the car and get on my phone. i call haru and it rings until he picks up.

"hey are you okay? what happened? im on my way home right now," i blurt out as im starting the car and driving out.

theres a silence until i hear him bursting out crying.

"y/n!!!!" he cries.

"haru what the hell happened?"

"hikaru is mad at me" he manages to say through his sobs.

i stop at the light and sigh.

"haru are you actually serious. you texted me saying emergency and that you needed help all because you and hikaru got into an argument," i say rubbing my temples because of my headache.

(hikaru - harus best friend from abroad and theyve been friends since they were in kindergarten and still til this day)

"yes its important y/n" he whines.

im so close to swerving my car off this street and into the water.

"okay im on my way ho- wait is hikaru here?" i ask suddenly remembering who hes talking about.

"yea he's staying with us for the remaining time im here so about two weeks. we're staying for your show. i was gonna tell you last night," he says suddenly trailing off.

i suddenly remember what happened last night.

i let out a breath and tell haru im almost home and we hang up. now im left alone with laufey playing in the back suddenly remembering i left my friends suddenly. i look at my phone and see texts from all of them except for suna.

is he mad or something? for talking to oreki? he cant be mad at me for talking to a person just because he doesnt know them.

i pull into the drive way and walk inside the house. im immediately welcomed with haru running towards me and clinging to me.

"y/n help me hes resorted to violence now," he cries out.

in the halls you can hear hikaru yelling out for haru, "haru im gonna literally kill you come out here."

i looked down at haru wanted to get revenge on him for taking away my day to myself.

"hikaru hes over here!" i screamed at haru looks at me with distress and betrayal.

hikaru comes running and looks at haru with disgust, "haru are you kidding me? you called your baby sister to come save you from me? arent you too pathetic?"

hikaru comes and hugs me tight and haru runs to hide behind the wall.

"hey kid how you doing lately? i havent seen you in forever."

"hey hikaru," i hug him back and answer, "ive been okay lately nothing too serious."

he looks down at me and i know he knows already.

hikaru has been around our family for a long time and has see what happens inside these walls my father has built. when we were younger he was the one who was with me while haru and ukai were holding my him back. hes just like another older brother to me.

"oh right i brought you back some presents. i put them in your room for you. i put a lot of thought into them so i hope you like them," he smiles at me then runs after haru at full speed.

i laugh at the two wrestling like babys and head up to my room to open the presents.

hahaha.... hi guys😭 i felt like updating so here it is! miss yall ♡♡

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