chapter nine

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i woke up and my head was ringing. I could barely even open my eyes. I all I could see was that I was in my bed and the room was cleaned up. I looked at the time and saw it was 5:30 am.

I forced myself out of bed to get ready for school. I showered the smell off and brushed my teeth. I did my makeup and got dressed into my uniform. I came out of the bathroom and looked around my room.

Everything seemed in the right spot. I then remembered my weed box.

I ran to the side of my bed and saw it was there empty.

Holy shit did I finish all of it?

I put back the box and grabbed my phone and school bag. I looked in the mirror one last time. My eyes were red and so puffy it looks like my eyes aren't even open. I walk downstairs to see my father sitting at the table.

I walk to my seat and sit down trying to eat as fast as I can so I don't have to see him.

"You made quite a ruckus last night" he spoke after 10 minutes of silence.

"I didn't like my room so I decided to redecorate it" I said finishing the last bite.

"Did you have to be so loud? I could barely get an ounce of sleep because of all the ruckus."

"Really? I slept like a log."

I ran to the kitchen with my plate and cup and put it in the sink and ran to the car.

"Nice on ms y/n" ukai said smiling at me.

*timeskip a few minutes"

"Thank you ukai. And um thank you for cleaning up my room and putting me on my bed" I blurted out.

"You're welcome. Now head on into school. You're going to be late" he says pushing me out the door.

I walk into the school heading straight to class and plop my head down. I'm exhausted.

"Hey y/n woah... um are you okay?" I hear someone say.

I pick my head up and see that it's suna.

"Oh good morning suna. I'm just tired that's all nothings wrong" I say forcing a smile.

"Oh okay. If there's anything you can always come and talk to me" he says sitting down.

"Oh and I almost forgot happy birthday suna."

"How'd you know it was my birthday?" he asks confused.

"Atsumu told me like yesterday" I say turning around and placing my head on his desk.

"Woah you really exhausted huh? What'd you do drink so much coffee you couldn't sleep?" he teases.

"No i-" I stop remembering what actually happened last night.

I shake that thought out of my head to keep myself from crying again.

"Y/n what's wrong?" suna says trying to see my face.

"Oh um it's nothing. Class is about to start."

~~~Sunas Pov~~~

Y/n looked not herself today. She seemed more drained than usually.

Class ended and I ran up to y/n dragging her out the school.

"Hey, hey asshole let go of me" she sqeauled.

I saw atsumu and osamu waiting at the benches.

I sat y/n down and told her to sit there.

"Woah y/n you look terrible" atsumu says.

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