Extra: Holiday Special

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"Great idea, Mil! Wait here, as I go get the camera." Kikyo hurriedly went out of the room. Her every step carrying a joyous melody.

After waiting until Kikyo's footsteps faded, the five-year-old boy didn't waste another second, picked up the hem of his purple dress, and dashed out of the room into the hallway.

While running, Friday bit his lips in displeasure, annoyed with the dress and the stupid wig he's wearing.

This predicament happened after he ditched training again and got caught by Kikyo as usual.

Today's training happens to have blood involve. That's why...

Though, if today is any other day, he wouldn't mind getting drag to the isolation room to get electrocuted. However! Today, Maha isn't here! That old geezer won't be back until tomorrow, meaning that no one would release him from punishment until then.

Friday frowned at the thought of electricity surging into his body for hours, causing him a lot of annoying pain. It would probably take him days to recover, ruining his plan of going to Heaven's Arena soon. Silva probably wouldn't let him go out if he's not in his top condition.

So, in the end, Friday acted like a brat and threw a tantrum, begging Kikyo for another type of punishment. Surprisingly, the woman agreed.

Though, he didn't think that the punishment would be being dolled up like a girl! If he knew, f•ck everything. He won't hesitate to choose the isolation room. However, the moment he stepped into a room full of little girl clothes and realized the woman's intentions, it was already too late.

With his strength, Friday can't fight his way out. So, he manipulated the woman to go out of the room so he could escape.


Friday hurriedly turned around the corner of the hallway before slamming his small body on someone's legs. The impact was enough to make him stagger back and land on his bum.

"A little girl?"

Hearing a familiar voice that sounds deep and calming like the ocean, Friday's eyes immediately shined like the stars.

"Papa!" Friday looked up at Silva. He was so happy that there were tears in his eyes. Or was it just from pain from landing on his butt?

"...Mil?" Silva observed his son's appearance in shock. His son was wearing a long raven black wig and dressed up in a puffy purple dress, decorated in flowers. And combined with his son's cheerful smile and sparkling eyes as he looked up at his father, the whole image looked:

Very cute.

Silva felt that someone shoot an arrow in his chest covered with rotting sweet honey.

"Mil, what's going on?" Silva gently picked up his lovable son from the ground into his arms.

Friday pouted his lips, looking very pitiful while staring at Silva's handsome face. Ahh, even now, he can't get enough of it.

Just about he was to open his mouth to speak cutely about his grievance, Kikyo appeared in front of them in a flash.

"Husband!" Kikyo exclaimed, then looked at the boy she was looking for in her husband's arms. "Mil, here you are!" Then she turned her attention back to Silva. "Husband, isn't our son adorable?"

Silva nodded silently with a slight blush on his cheeks.

Kikyo smiled delightedly before happily asking Silva to let Milluki down, so they could come back to the room and take pictures.

The thought of pictures of his cute son in the lovely dress made Silva excited. "There's no need. I could carry him over there."

Listening to where the conversation was heading, Friday was alarmed.

Kill, Save, or the second option? (Hunter x Hunter)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα