Chapter 53 - Trolling the Panda

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Seeing Leorio not interested in computers, Friday didn't plan to continue pushing the kid on this path. For now, he'll just let the boy be.

"Good evening, and welcome to the Global News! Today..." A voice of a female anchor made Friday redirect his attention to the T.V. With upturned eyes, he felt amused that they didn't publicize the hacking of the Hexagon. It was expected - someone hacking into one of the securest places was a blow to national pride.

"Did something good happen today?" María asked while placing down a plate of fried chicken. Leorio quickly wanted to grab a piece, but María smacked his naughty hand away. "Be patient!"

"Yep." Friday gave Pietro a smile. "Pietro helped me with my job today. It went very smoothly." Though things aren't over yet.

Friday gripped his phone, waiting for a buzz to notify him that the prey is online.


Instead of enjoying dinner, Ickshonpe was stuck trying to figure out how to remove the pesky virus. It has been hours, and Ickshonpe still couldn't solve it. The virus was very peculiar that it wasn't actually harmful...yet. It would spread like a typical malware, but it was programmed to stay dormant in the system.

He had to admit that the person who made the virus was more skilled than him. If it was just another case, Ickshonpe would've found the trail and caught the culprit by now. Though, after hours of digging, the only solid clue was still the letter "Y" he found in the beginning.

It was incredulously easy to discover the binary code for "Y" in the program that Ickshonpe was certain the hacker made it like that on purpose. It was frustrating. It was like he was being led by the nose.

After pondering for a second, Ickshonpe went on the group chat inclusively for people like him - residents of the digital world. In the digital world, he goes by "Panda."

Panda: My people, have you heard something about the letter "Y"? Or anything relating to the hacking of the Hexagon? We must find the culprit immediately, or else the safety of our reality is at risk.

Yellow: Oh, Panda is here! Hello O, Great One!

Princess_CakePuff: Hi Panda <3!!! UwU

Ickshonpe scrolled down, ignoring the endearing people showering him with pleasantries. He would usually entertain them, but the time is not appropriate. He stopped scrolling when a reply made him alert.

LePrince: Panda, I know "Y." DM me if you wanna know more ;)

Princess_CakePuff: Who is this guy? Never seen this account before! >:c

Yellow: They probably just lying and want attention from Sir Panda.

A reminder that the people in this "chat room" were no ordinary individuals. In order to be added in, they had to possess the genius intellect to "find" the group chat in the first place. LePrince's message looked questionable, but Ickshonpe couldn't let it slide. If other people also said they know "Y," Ickshonpe would investigate all of them.

Ickshonpe proceeded to privately message the individual.

Panda: What do you know? I see you're new here. If you don't spit it out, I'll kick you.

LePrince: What are you? A Disc*rd Mod?

Panda: What are you talking about?

LePrince: Nothing. Anyways, I know "Y." If you're amazing as people in this chat say, you know that someone intercepted the hacking of the Hexagon.

Panda: You're that asshole?

LePrince: Hey! I'm the hero, why are you calling me an asshole??

Panda: You also gave me work to do.

LePrince: Well, I'm here to lessen each other's load. Let's work together against the guy. I have a history with him.


Friday had a mischievous smile woven on his lips when he returned to the dinner table, making Pietro raise his eyebrows.

The man said that he had something to take care of and then went outside with his phone. His gut felt a little anxious thinking of the probability of Friday talking to the "Hisoka guy," but he let those feelings fade when Friday stared at him.

"What is it?"

"Nothing. It just feels good to have things in your control." Friday sighed as he bit on a piece of chicken. "...It's already cold."

"You've been out there for some time." Pietro stood up and picked up Friday's plate, "I'll heat it up for you."

Since María and Leorio were already off somewhere else, Friday comfortably revealed the contents of his plan. "Every Friday. Pietro, you'll finish a round of the game every Friday. Take the time to study the codes and practice typing so you can defeat the dragon without a cheat next time."



The next gaming lesson went a little better than the first. Pietro saw the progress of his typing speed from practicing typing the entire week. Friday also explained the codes, giving him a better comprehension of them. Though, memorizing the codes in the first game wasn't enough since the second game threw new codes at him to remember. Ultimately, he couldn't save the princess this time, and the dragon fled again after poisoning the princess.

"It was Princess Banks this time, huh?" Pietro closed the laptop and waited for Friday to teach him the codes he saw today.

Keeping his computer on, Friday lazily rolled his chair to the table. As per habit, Friday caressed Pietro's head and complimented the boy, "Good job. I saw improvement. The codes you saw today were..."

Pietro tried to listen to the complex words from the man's mouth, but his attention was drawn to the phone that kept buzzing.

"Ah... Why is he in such a hurry?" Friday muted his phone and continued the lesson.


Panda: Why are you taking so long to respond?!

LePrince: I have children to take care of.

Panda: Right. I don't believe you. All the major banks almost got hacked and were infected with the same virus. You were right about his target this time.

LePrince: See? My information is trustworthy.

Panda: You're still suspicious.

LePrince: I already gave you information about myself. I'm on your side. I even saved the day again. So, have you found anything to erase the virus? :)

Panda: Just another letter. "A." Though, I have a strategy in mind. I have to go. Just remember what we agreed on.


In Friday's opinion, Ickshonpe was easier to get along with than he expected. To gain the hermit's trust, he crafted an elaborate lie that he used to work on a project with the "hacker," and then things turned for the worst. When Ickshonpe asked for the hacker's identity, Friday lied that both of them remained anonymous during the project. He even sent the "blueprint" of the virus to add credibility to his lies. Though, of course, he altered the "blueprint" to the point that it shouldn't be easy to reverse engineer the actual one.

Ickshonpe, even though he remained suspicious of Friday, he agreed on working with him to find the "hacker" after seeing the man's skills.

Making enemies with the prey, while making friends with them. The idea excites Friday that he couldn't help but chuckle here and there. 

Author's Note:

Well, I'm back! Thank you for supporting this little me. I don't know how some authors do it, my lovely readers. They could write thousands of words that weave into a beautifully created story in a day.  Perhaps I "subconsciously" care too much about the expectation of this story that I just couldn't write it. Just like my Diabolik Lovers Book. I'm very sorry for that. Maybe I should read The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck by Mark Manson.  Also, a reminder - I have no beta readers.  So. No Beta We Die Like Signora. 

Thanks for reading and all of the support! 

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