Chapter 5 - First Try

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I'll change this baby body to a young boy! Preferably, a seven-year-old boy~ So I can play with Illumi-chan. It would be fun. I could also gather some useful information while I'm at it.

...Ok? How are you going to use Nen to transform? ?-? You don't even know how to use Nen. -w-

Hm? I don't need to fully learn Nen to use Nen, you know?

Huh? O.o

The Hunter x Hunter World makes no sense, so there's no point putting boundaries inside my head to achieve what I want. Do you still don't get it?


Then let me explain~ Biscuit managed to change her body by wishing it for years. This also includes Neon, the girl who can tell the future. Neon has been wishing for that ability since she was a child. In the end, their wish came true~ Isn't it interesting? They didn't have to actively train for it.

And you believe that you can do that too?

Exactly. Rewatching the anime and reading the Wikipedia, I came to the realization that this world has no rules whatsoever. The main protagonist, a twelve-year-old who's very powerful just because he grew up in the woods proves this fact. It just doesn't make any sense. \(-w-)/ The only plausible reasons are 1) Because he's the main protagonist, 2) Cuz he's dad is really strong, genetics became a factor. There's also one last factor why he's so strong - his mindset.


Yeah, observing all the strong characters, they share similar mindsets. They all believe they can do it ^w^. The power of will power lol. Their will-power, their strong emotions, and their beliefs made their Nen powerful. Nen is very primal... So, If they can do it, I can do it too!

Heh... -w- What you said still doesn't make sense, but ok? Do your best! 👍

Little girl, there are no rules on how to use Nen. It all depends on the user's creativity and the boundaries they set for themselves. Hunter x Hunter's power system is quite simple, yet everyone makes it complicated.

With nothing more to say, Friday closed his eyes and said goodbye to the female voice inside his head. He knows what he needs to do. He took a deep breath and focused his desire to look like a young boy. He kept repeating the chant, "I want to look like a little boy! I want to look like a cute little boy!" Over and over again. For every chant, he made sure to input his desire.

He imagined his body growing, his vivid imagination showed him a picture of an adorable black-haired boy with blushed cheeks and clear dark eyes. The boy's silky smooth jade skin and lovable lips will pull anyone closer with the urge to pinch his plump cheeks. He continued to chant inside his head with intense focus for two hours.

With lots of expectations, he slowly opened his eyes. Unfortunately, looking disappointedly at his chubby short baby legs, it's clear there's no visible change.


Author's Note:

Can he really do it? ;-;


Updates for the week:

Today - Parts 1 - 5

Monday - Parts 6 -10 

Tuesday - Parts 11 - 15

Wednesday - Parts 16 - 20 

Thursday -Parts 21 -25

Friday - Parts 26 - 31 

Weekend - New Chapter 

I'm just spreading out the updates. Giving you guys all 31 parts in one day will be spoiling you. 

Thanks for reading!

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