Chapter 35 - Leash and Collar

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Feeling Hisoka's warm fingers stroked his cheek, Friday couldn't help but furrow his eyebrows and smiled helplessly. In Friday's eyes, Hisoka is still a child. Seeing the brat tease him, Friday thinks it's funny and annoying. He used his unbroken left arm to brush off Hisoka's hand. "Help me break into the surveillance room. I have something for you there."

"Depends on what that thing is~." Hisoka took his hand back and folded his arms.

Friday didn't get angry, knowing the clown would take pleasure in it. Smiling, he vaguely explained himself while pointing at his neck, "The leash of my collar~. You wouldn't like it if I just disappeared and not keep my promise, now do you?"

Those ambiguous words managed to pique Hisoka's curiosity, convincing the clown to help Friday. They traveled to the surveillance room using Zetsu, encountering no problems.

After easily beating up the employees in the surveillance room, Hisoka watched Friday steal a phone out of an employee's pocket. After quickly reprogramming it, Friday gave its number to Hisoka before moving on with the computers.

"The leash?... You mean this phone number?" Hisoka looked at the glowing green screen of his phone containing a string of numbers. His light amber eyes glanced at the unconscious surveillance workers on the floor before drifting his sight on the handsome man seated in front of a computer. Even though the man was only typing with one hand, the typing speed was still considered pretty fast.

"Hmm...Can know my location. Contact anytime; basically a leash." Busy with deleting camera footage, Friday forgot to speak clearly, spouting incomplete sentences. It took a short moment for Friday to delete the footage and turn off the cameras before proceeding with his other intention. He plans on hacking into the government's official records and create a fake identity.

Hisoka observed the blinking red dot on his phone, then Friday's fingers gliding across the keyboard. The computer screen showed complicated codes. It would be lying that Hisoka wasn't amazed by the man's skill. Perhaps the reason why the man knew of his identity was through digging it up from cyberspace? The red-head was silent for a minute before speaking up.

"...This leash seems weak and unreliable." Hisoka's lips curved into a small smile. He's aware that the man could just throw away the phone or just program it to show a false location.

"...Mhm?" Friday was in the middle of inputting a name. Since technology isn't remarkably advance as of right now, hacking into the government's official records or the bank was a piece of cake.

Hisoka came forward and stood next to the man before leaning close to the man's face. Seeing the man not bothered, still focused on the screen, Hisoka spoke his thoughts. "...You're boring~. Not even staying on guard, turning your defenseless back on me. Don't forget I could still kill you if I want to~."

The man finally looked at him, making Hisoka grin. Though, he didn't expect the man to reach for his head and ruffle his crimson hair. He heard the man asked him in a gentle voice, "What do you want?" It's like a parent coaxing a naughty child who wants attention.

"...I want a strong leash so my pet won't get away easily~. Hm?" Hisoka read the words on the screen. "Friday...Calendar?"

"The fake identity I created." Friday clarified, pulling his hand back to finish up the job.

"...Really? Friday Calendar?" Hisoka gave Friday a funny look.

"Sounds good, right?" Friday returned Hisoka's smile with a proud grin.

"No, you're bad at coming up with names. It sounds so fake~. " Hisoka laughed.

Friday shrugged and erased his traces in the computer before standing up to leave. Speaking of coming up with names, at least he's better than Wednesday. Friday remembered the time when Master Wednesday was coming up with a group name. He decided to call the group "WTF," which stands for Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Recalling that hilarious moment, Friday couldn't but blossom a small smile.

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