Chapter 8 - I don't cry that easily!

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When Silva handed Friday to the doctor, everyone in the room felt the temperature dropped.


Even with the tense atmosphere, everyone's face didn't falter since everyone in the room have been trained to hide their emotions with their poker face. However, in front of Friday's eyes, they were like an open book, easy to read - Well, except for Maha...

Studying their faces, most of them were emitting the feeling of anxiousness, fear, and sadness. Their faces reminded Friday of people who were seeing someone who's going to die.

Oh well. Friday placed his attention to the doctor, who he noted has sweaty hands under the gaze of the entire Zoldyck family. The doctor conducted a check-up, taking his temperature/weight/height, blood pressure, X-ray, etc. Anything that could be examined was examined.

Of course, a doctor hired by the infamous Zoldyck family was extremely skilled with his job, finishing everything under 30 minutes. Since all the servants in the household could use Nen, this doctor can also undoubtedly use Nen.

After putting his equipment away, the doctor opened his mouth to tell everyone, who patiently waited, the result - the tension in the room immediately rose to its highest peak.

In a clear and slow voice, the doctor stated, "...Young master Milluki is perfectly healthy. There are no signs of disease or hidden disease that could emerge in the future. His bones are growing well and made great development in controlling his muscles. It's alright for him to continue his training as an assassin, Master."

Like a bomb being defused, the tension dissipated, and everyone calmed down visibly.

"Good..." Silva said in response.

Looks like he escaped death? The baby cutely blinked in confusion as he was handed back to Silva, who then placed him down gently back to jail, also known as the crib.

No...Don't go... TwT

Silva gave him one last glance before turning away and leaving the room.

"Thank goodness that your little brother is healthy. Now, Illumi, dear, let's go and train some more~!" Kikyo grabbed Illumi's hand and happily followed her husband out. Illumi peeks back at him before letting himself be dragged by his mother.

The doctor also left, and for the remaining two old gramps, Zeno came forward to the crib, while Maha looked silently from behind. Playing with his mustache, Zeno looks like he's in deep thought while looking at Friday's face. Friday blankly stared back in response.

What's up, old man?

Both were engaged in a staring contest for a moment before a gust of wind hit Friday's face causing him to blink.

The moment he opened his eyes again, a sharp pain was felt at the side of his neck. He flinched slightly due to the agony, but his eyes were still blankly staring at Zeno. He didn't have to turn his neck to know what caused his pain. Also, at the moment, he didn't want to turn his neck because he's 'afraid' that Zeno's nails might pierce itself deeper into his fragile skin.

Afraid is too much of a strong word. Actually, Friday is perfectly calm in this situation since he doesn't sense any bloodlust from this witty old man in the first place.

Yo old man, you trying to scare this baby into crying? You better try harder! -_-

"Oh? He truly doesn't cry. Interesting." Zeno drew back his dangerously sharp nails away from his neck and smiled at him. Is his sense of pain already dulled, or is he just a peculiar baby? Usually, they still cry a lot during this time when they're exposed to pain. My son and that expressionless Illumi were no exceptions.

" Two and a half-month to go, huh...?" Zeno mumbled to himself before reaching down and weakly pinching Friday's cheek. "You'll be fine... You'll grow up to be a fine assassin Milluki."

Hearing those words, the baby giggled and adorably caught Zeno's finger. Face with a baby's natural cuteness Zeno smiled gently at him.

Done with what he wanted to do, Zeno left the room, passing by Maha, who was sitting on the chair who surprisingly fell asleep?

With so many "exciting" things that happened today, his baby body was inevitably tired. Seeing the sleeping Maha, Friday yawned and decided to join him.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading! :) 

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