Chapter 1 - Kill & Save List

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A soft chuckle was heard in the quiet room.


Before Friday could realize what was happening, he was already lying on the floor, blood spilling from the bullet hole on his head.


He knew that familiar chuckle from somewhere. Ha. That bastard betrayed me. (-_-;) He never imagined that his best friend would betray him...

Nah, who was he kidding?

He knew that his friend would kill him someday~ But he wasn't prepared to be killed today.

He was dumped yesterday by his now ex-boyfriend, who he had been with for 2 years. To drown his sorrows away, he drank some excellent booze. He doesn't know how much he drank, but looking at the countless bottles on the floor, he was pretty wasted. He woke up with a hangover and a brain splitting headache. He then got the usual call. The target this time came with a pretty hefty price. So, he decided to kill the guy, get the money, spend the money on anime merchandise, forget his ex-boyfriend, and live a great life.

That was the plan - but then his friend killed him in the middle of the job. What a great friend he is.

Well, the bounty on his head was enough to make anyone a killer, so who could blame that bastard?

A few seconds before he lost consciousness and died, a female voice rang inside his head.

"Ohoho~? Let's make this quick, shall we? Pick one, live, or die?" The voice was cheerful, rich in youthfulness. As an assassin, he quickly estimated that the female voice was between the ages of 15- 17 years old.

"Live." Friday wanted to facepalm at his habit of analyzing voices even in the situation he was in right now.

"Yay~!" At the end of that cheery note, the surrounding began twisting into different shapes, the colors started blurring, then blooming into a different shade. He squinted his eyes, trying to adjust to the change. His brain didn't want to process something that could not be explained by logic, so Friday just decided to relax. Panicking, losing control of oneself, is not something you want if you're in the assassin business. Keeping calm is the first lesson he was taught.

When Friday's eyes finally adjusted, the first thing he saw was the face of a silver-haired man. Hovering on top of him, filling his whole vision, the man stared down on him with his blue eyes similar to a cat.

The man's eyes were piercing straight through him. Friday's first extinct was to jump and flee from him. This man, his gut feeling, was telling him that he's dangerous. Very dangerous. However, no matter what he does, his body remained in the same place. His eyes widened in realization and quickly looked down at his small fat legs kicking the air. He looked at the silver-haired man again with tears forming in his dark eyes.

"Waah!" A baby's cry was heard.

The man reached down to comfort his second son, who was lying on a crib. He caressed the baby's cheek while staring at the baby's dark pupils that were similar to his mother. Not long after, the small guy stopped crying. The baby raised his chubby arms to capture his fingers but failed. The man smiled softly and took his hand away.

Not turning his head, he commanded a servant, "Begin his poison and electric endurance training." He then turned his heels and exited the room.


Ah... I see. That man was Silva Zoldyck. This body's father. Friday mumbled inside his head. So I'm in Hunter x Hunter, the anime? Cool.

"Yep! Have you watched it?" The female voice confirmed.

Of course~! Friday was definitely an otaku. If he has nothing else to do, he'll watch anime, read manga, novels, etc. A little dose of anime is what you need after you assassinate someone, after all.

"Good! Here are all the episodes if you want to re-watch. And here's the fandom Wikipedia of Hunter x Hunter. If you have any questions, ask me. Though, besides answering your questions, I can't assist you. Then, let's begin the real stuff: If you complete your mission, you can go back to your real-world in pristine condition, alive and kicking. You could also stay here if you want or choose to be reborn. Your mission is quite simple! You just have to save 16 people listed and kill 16 people listed. If you can't save or kill, there's the ~second option~, but sadly you can only use it 16 times~And If you fail the mission, you die~! And never be able to reincarnate. So good luck!"

Alright. One must be able to adapt quickly to the situation. Could I have the list of who to save and who to kill?

"Sure thing!" A holographic screen appeared in front of him.


1) Siper

2) Uvogin

3) Kortopi

4) Shalnark

5) Shaiapouf

6) Ponzu

7) Pokkle

8) Pairo

9) Pakunoda

10) Isaac Netero

11) Kastro

12) Jispa

13) Gotoh

14 ) Baise

15) Neferpitou

16) Bodoro


1) Kurapika

2) Leorio

3) Gon

4) Ging

5) Coco Loo

6) Katzo

7) Mureum

8) Biscuit Krueger

9) Neon Nostrade

10) Light Nostrade

11) Kurta Clan

12) Heavens Arena 200th Floor Clerk

13) Zushi

14) Mito Freecss

15) Melody

16) Kite

There was a bit of surprise shown on his chubby baby face, "How unexpected..." Well, there's no problem...

Even before the list was given to him, he already decided to not kill another person. He doesn't like killing people. He only does it to make a living...

Currently, the fat baby was staring off to space, mouth drooling. Unbeknownst to others, he's formulating a plan to save those people as Milluki Zoldyck.

Author's Note:

Readers: *Throws tomatoes on Friday* Don't you dare touch our babies!

Friday: (T-T), I'm not interested in touching your babies.


The save list is planned, the kill list is random. What do you guys think of the first chapter? 

Thanks for reading!

Kill, Save, or the second option? (Hunter x Hunter)Where stories live. Discover now