Chapter 39 - Ombre Twins Pt. 3

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Some time has passed, and the sun has set.

While waiting for the rescue to arrive, Friday redirected his attention to the nen inscribed cage. The room was already dark, with only a tiny lamp lighting up the place, helping him see the engravings. He recalled how Illumi tried to bend the metal cage apart until the kid's face turned red. Usually, destroying metal would be nothing for Illumi, like ripping up a piece of paper.

There's little to know about Nen Inscriptions in the Wikipedia. It only described it as something that would increase the durability of an object, but it would break if it came in contact with Nen.

Friday's eyes lit up. He confidently grasped the bar and tried to release nen, but nothing happened. Sighing, he remembered that he couldn't use techniques besides Ten and his Hatsu. Rubbing his chin, Friday softly asked Illumi if he could use the Ren technique to input Nen into the cage.

In Friday's opinion, things were still awkward between them. He decided to take it slow for now until the kid built a new impression of him.

Since Illumi was just a child just exposed to Nen, he naturally didn't know the nature of Nen inscriptions. Perhaps, the Connerie Gang were also ignorant of Nen inscriptions? That was why they foolishly put Illumi inside a Nen inscribed cage?

Illumi understood his brother's instructions and used Ren, forcing a lot of Nen out of his body like a gushing dam. The kid trembled, and sweat formed on his forehead before releasing his hold of the bar after holding it for a couple seconds.

"Try bending this bar in the corner." Friday wanted to see if it worked.

Illumi obediently scooted over and used his might to bend the metal bar. He successfully twisted it like he was just handing clay. The boy showed a surprised look on his face, proving his lack of knowledge of Nen-inscriptions.

Giving the kid a thumbs up, Friday warned Illumi not to break the cage. They could successfully escape right now, but it's not that time yet.

"Brother, shouldn't we escape right now? What if those rats failed to deliver the message?" Illumi also spoke softly to the person in front of him. Both were talking to each other as if the other was a stranger, yet not entirely.

Waving his hand, Friday assured Illumi that the rats performed their task. The system couldn't give him potions or gadgets to help him, but it sure could provide him information like an omniscient G*ogle.

Their conversation came to a stop when the twins and the Connerie Gang returned into the room.

Most of the Connerie Gang were ordinary people with no knowledge of Nen, one of the reasons why the gang was unpopular. Though, some like the Boss, the man with a scar on his lip, and the twins, knew Nen.

Hence, before their arrival, Friday made sure to control his aura flow to look like an ordinary person. That's one of the things he could do with all the limitations placed on him.


The Connerie Gang seemed to go out to get supplies, preparing for a long journey ahead. They entered carrying heavy backpacks and became busy organizing those goods. Friday assumed the supplies were probably stolen.

It was already night. The building had no electricity, so the gang lit more lamps.

Looking at the broken window, displaying the night sky, Friday asked the system the time.

"It's time to get a watch!" The female voice laughed at the classical joke. "I learned that joke today."

"...Very funny." Friday rolled his eyes. "Time?"

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