Chapter 15 - Technology - Lesson 4

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Friday's eyes swept across the dimly lit room, eyes landing on the anime figurines on the shelves, then moving on to the stacked servers, and finally, the bright computer screens. He didn't expect the Technology Module would take place here.

"Milluki's room..." He mumbled.

"...How did you know?" Mikaza looks at him with slight confusion.

"Just a guess~" Friday gave her a smile. They don't know anything, huh?

"Don't tell the girls about this. The outcome would be bothersome." Mikaza sighed.

All of a sudden, a holographic screen popped up in front of him, containing surprising words.

[Requirement achieve]


[Permission granted]


[You have 1 new email! Click screen to open!]

?! O-O

Incapable of seeing the screen, Mikaza was giving him a look again.

"It's nothing." Friday waved his hand back and forth.

"Ok." Mikaza turned her head and faced the computers upfront. "For this module, there are two parts. In the first part, you'll learn independently on the computer. For the second part, that's when I teach you how to build Milluki's inventions, electronic devices, and bombs. "

Friday nodded his head and took a seat in front of the computer. He then glanced back at her, "What are you going to do until then?"

"...I'm going to take walks in the garden." She said bluntly.

When Mikaza was about to leave the room, Friday asked her another question, stopping her from her tracks.

"Hey, Mikaza. Who's Milluki to you?"

Without turning around, Mikaza replied back. "My childhood friend..." She couldn't hide the tone of her voice, which was sullen, full of sadness. After answering Friday's question, she exited the room.

I see~


With Mikaza gone, he finally has the time to view the email.

Friday clicked the screen, expecting large paragraphs of text. He was surprised to just read one sentence.

[Email Opened!

To: Player


Please use the knowledge you'll learn in this module to help my family.

Thank you.

From: Milluki Zoldyck.]

His green eyes lingered on the sentence for a long time. His feelings were a bit complicated.

You want to help those who don't love you? Those who only see you as a tool?

Sighing, he brushed his hair back with his slender fingers, his lips curving into a cynical smile.

How foolish of you, Milluki.

Re-reading the last word of the sentence again - 'family' - Friday's eyes became gentle before chuckling softly.

He chuckled as if he's mocking himself.

Alright, Milluki. I'll help your family.

With that thought in mind, Friday cracked his fingers and logged in to the computer. He was quickly introduced to a site that teaches beginners how to do basic coding in the form of blocks and silly sprites.

[Mission 1: Make the monkey move one step forward.]

Friday, who was an experienced hacker: Ok then

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Friday, who was an experienced hacker: Ok then. -_-

Author's Note:

I don't know how to code or any idea on how technology work~ :3

Gatta research TwT

Thanks for reading!

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