Chapter 16 - The Test

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Two and a half months passed by in a blink of an eye. During that time, Friday's small body has been exposed to multiple poisons. Each poison left Friday writhing in pain in the beginning, adjusting to it in a couple of days, before being given another poison again. The same could be said for his electric endurance training. The cycle never stopped.


In the middle of the night, a boy skillfully snuck into Milluki's room, easily escaping the servants' detection out in the hallway. He's done this a couple of times before.

It was time to change shifts, so there weren't any servants in the room at the moment. Illumi would usually only spend a few minutes in the room so he won't get caught, but today was an exception. It might be the last time he'll see his little brother. He doesn't care if the servants caught him and told his mother, leading her to increase the difficulty of his training.

He crept up to the crib silently and peered down on his cute baby brother, sleeping peacefully like an angel.

Will this angel survive tomorrow?

This could be the first time he's concerned about someone's life. All he was taught was to kill and discard any unnecessary emotions. Always surrounded himself with darkness. Thus, when he first witnessed his brother's adorable giggle, his cold heart couldn't help but melt a little. He wants to hold onto this light for as long as possible.

Just because you're born with Zoldyck blood running down your veins, it doesn't mean you immediately become one. Babies in the Zoldyck household need to pass two hurdles to officially become a Zoldyck. 1) To survive the first 3 months without showing any sign of illness or side effects of a poison. 2) The Test. At the end of the 3 months, the baby will be given a lethal electric shock and will be injected with a powerful poison. If the baby didn't die and showed no side effects, that's when they'll be officially recognized as a Zoldyck.

After all, the Zoldyck household does not need weak children who aren't capable of being assassins.

Little Illumi reached down, his toes on its tips to caress Milluki's soft cheeks. He wanted to plant a kiss on his forehead, but sadly, he's too small.

Sensing people coming closer, Illumi quickly but carefully retrieved his hands from the crib.

With his large soulless eyes, Illumi stared at the servants who stopped in their footsteps when they saw him.

A female servant spoke up, "...Young Master Illumi, the Madame would be sad if she knew her son is not resting properly. It would be bad for your body, negatively affecting your training, young master. Come now, let me guide you back to your room."

Since Killua isn't born yet, at this moment in time, Illumi was still considered the heir of the Zoldyck family. He's strictly monitored, so he'll become a top assassin someday.

"Don't want to, and please be quiet." He turned his back away from them to look at Milluki again, checking if he's disturbed by the noise.

Another servant joined the conversation, "Don't be stubborn, young master. Please get some rest." This servant was very bold. He walked up to Illumi and took hold of his arm. He began dragging the five-year-old boy out the door. "Let's go."

If Madame found out that they let her child stay up because of the silly reason of visiting his little brother, they'll get fired for sure.

"If you don't let go of me right now, I'll kill you." He threatened the butler, his body oozing a dangerous aura.

The butler knew that the little child can't possibly kill him with his abilities but facing such aura, he instinctively let go of his hold.

Once he had been set free, Illumi turned his head and glanced at the sleeping baby again.

Please pass, little brother.

He didn't spare a look at the servants and silently left the room. Illumi wanted to let his dear brother have a peaceful sleep for The Test tomorrow.


The sun rays shining through the open window, letting the breeze carry the scent of morning dew into the room. Outside, you can hear birds chirping a lovely melody. Today could be considered a beautiful morning if you ignore the fact that there was strong pressure in the room.

Silva, Kikyo, Zeno, and Maha are all gathered in Milluki's room, each one showing different emotions under their calm facade: Dad is excited, Mom is worried, Zeno is feeling proud, while Maha - Friday could still not figure out that old man. Maha visits him once in a while, and if Friday could use a word to describe him, it's crazy.

Oh- The doctor is in the room too.

"Let's quickly get this over with," Zeno complained. He's confident that the baby will pass the test. Hurry up and make this child part of the family.

Today must be a special day? ?-?

A servant handed Silva an electric rod and a bottle filled with cloudy white poison.

So, Dad will take the honor of shocking and poisoning me today? I feel so loved.

Silva's and Zeno's eyes were shining with expectation as Silva slowly lowered the electric rod.

The moment the rod touched his skin, he felt his heart stopped beating for a second, his vision blacking out. Friday felt an incredible amount of pain that he never experienced before surging across his body. His muscles were violently spasming, the skin where the rod touched was throbbing. For the first time, he wanted to cry out of pain, but it was too late. His nose caught a scent of burnt skin before he passed out.

Dad, you're loving me too rough. Please be more gentle~ T-T


Three hours later, Friday finally woke up.

Everyone is still gathered in the room.

When he spotted Silva, he wanted to raise his small hands and give him a middle finger, but Friday soon found out that he can't move his baby body. There's still the feeling of tingling, but it's not that much.

When they noticed that he's awake, Friday couldn't believe what he heard and what he saw. These cold-blooded assassins actually sighed in relief and gave him a slight smile - even Kikyo!

"Doctor, go examine him," Silva ordered.

The doctor scrambled to his feet and gently picked him up. He began a check-up that's similar to the one he did last time he was here and finished it in 30 minutes.


"He's alright, Master Silva. Aside from the burn on his skin and temporarily unable to move for a short period, there was luckily nothing wrong with his organs and nervous system. There's no long-term damage detected."

"Good. Let's move on. Give Milluki here."

The doctor did what he was told.

Silva held Friday with one arm. His other hand gripped a syringe filled with white poison.

Dad, we're still continuing our lovemaking? T-T Please spare me, I don't think I can hold on anymore~ I think I had enough of love from hours ago~

Silva ignored his cries and proceeded to inject the white liquid into his body.


Friday passed out again.

Author's Note:

Friday: It's not easy being a Zoldyck T-T

Author: What were you dreaming about when Illumi visited you?

Friday: Yuna was using me as a shooting target again...;-;

Thanks for reading! (TwT)

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