Chapter 11 - Language/World - Lesson 1

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The room instantly shapeshifted into an enormous library. Except for Friday and Beatrix, the rest of the teachers disappeared. Rows of shelves filled with books containing information of the world Hunter x Hunter towered over them. The books in this library must be ancient, for Friday could smell a whiff of vanilla, stirring his thirst for knowledge.

He excitedly grabbed the nearest book, ready to dive into it, but his excitement quickly went down the drain when he realized he can't read any of the words!

Waddup, i'm jared i'm 19, and i never f*cking learned how to read.

"Put that back, you imbecile." Beatrix crossed her arms, eyebrows furrowing. "You won't learn that language until much later. Now, follow me." She impatiently ordered.

Friday put the book back and obediently followed the little blonde woman wearing pigtails across the library.

"Sit." She brought him to a wooden table next to an open window, light pouring in, revealing a beautiful view of a flower garden.

Friday sat across from the woman. Once seated, Beatrix spoke, "The first thing you need to learn is the Hunter x Hunter alphabet. It's essential for its the most commonly used writing system." Seeing her student listening intently to her words, she gave a satisfied smile. She waved her hand, and a piece of paper containing pictures of the letters magically appeared in front of him.

He stared at the picture before giving it back to her, "Could you write the Japanese hiragana and romaji next to it?"

"Sure." Beatrix waved her hand again. "...Do you need assistance?"

"No, I'm alright. Thanks anyway." Friday smiled gently, but inside he couldn't help but feel uneasy. He only experienced this feeling a few times, and each of those times was when he's dealing with people who are neither his targets nor someone he needs to manipulate.

 He only experienced this feeling a few times, and each of those times was when he's dealing with people who are neither his targets nor someone he needs to manipulate

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Looking at the paper once more, Friday nodded to himself. This should be easy. In his previous life, quite a handful of his targets were located in Japan. To succeed in those missions, he had to learn Japanese. Thus, Hunter x Hunter alphabets are just easy memorization.

His eyes scanned the paper for two minutes, used the memorization technique he to memorize the face and names of people before giving it back to the little woman again.

"I finished learning it."

A holographic screen popped up: [ Language/World Training Module 1% complete]

"...Impressive, I supposed.." Beatrix coughed and continued, "Next, you must learn how to write them, use correct grammar, and increase your vocabulary. After that. You'll need to read all of the books in the library that are written in the Hunter x Hunter alphabet. Then you'll take a test which determines if you're ready to learn the next language."

Friday nodded, "Ok."

"..." I thought he'd at least complain.

"..." Why is she not doing anything?

Both have the same thought at the moment: How awkward.

Beatrix was the first one to break the silence, "You're very uncomfortable, you peasant...Don't you have something called friends that you can practice your awful social skills with?"

Friday chuckled, "I could say the same thing for you. Besides, I don't have any friends. And - You look like someone who doesn't have a friend either." The only thing I had that's closest to a friend are the Interpol, bounty hunters, and the people I used to get the job done.

"Ridiculous, I don't need one since there's no one worthy of being my friend." Beatrix raised a teacup - she conjured who knows when - to her lips and drank tea elegantly.

"I see." Then why do you look so lonely? "Perhaps, you miss Milluki?"

Oops...Accidentally said that out loud.

Beatrix nearly spat out the tea. "Nonsense, who misses that lowlife? Enough with this idle chatter and get back to learning!"

A stack of paper landed before him.

"Copy the letters until I'm satisfied with your penmanship."

"Ok." -_-

For someone who has horrible penmanship, it took Friday the rest of the remaining time inside the dream, 2 hours, and 30 minutes of continuous writing until Beatrix was finally satisfied.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading!

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