Chapter 27 - Remembering and Exploring

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Friday grimly looked down on his watch that decreased from 20 days to 10 days the moment Illumi joined him in Stop Time. Dividing the time by how many people were the conditions of letting people join. Slightly annoyed, he tightened his grip on the kid's hand and turned to face Illumi with a smile. "You're not going to join me for free, Illumi. Since you're here, you have to work for me."

Illumi stopped looking around the frozen arena with a dark face, turned to look at his brother, and nodded obediently. Illumi stared at him, waiting for an order.

Examining Illumi's serious face, which was more serious than usual, Friday couldn't help but ask what's wrong.


Only ten-years-old, Illumi was still horrible at hiding his emotions. From his expressions, Friday has a clear idea of what this kid is thinking about.

Scratching his head with his free hand, Friday sighed, no longer angry. "If you're thinking about that, stop it. That's in the past."

Even after hearing Friday's words, Illumi couldn't stop thinking about it. This wasn't his first time being in Stop Time. Being here again, he was reminded of that time when he and his little brother were kidnapped. The thought of that incident made his heart beat faster out of fear and anger. It happened when they were-. Before he could continue, Friday interrupted him.

"Illumi, don't make this flashback chapter. Do it later." Friday started to drag Illumi down to the ring, where his opponent was devotedly waiting. "I need you to beat his ass. Your brother can't do it."

It's true. If Illumi wasn't here, Friday doesn't know how properly beat his frozen opponent. It would probably take a lot of weak five-year-old punches just to put his opponent unconscious, compare to one chop from Illumi. He's not a sadist anyway. The thought of striking a defenseless opponent makes Friday sick. He's also not a masochist. The idea of fighting an offensive opponent wasn't any better. Even in his previous assassin life, Wednesday and Thursday handle most of the physical stuff.

In this life, that's not going to change. He was going to let Illumi handle it. After thinking that he should at least show some politeness, he added a "please" at the end of his order.

Illumi didn't say anything and executed Friday's command. Friday watched Illumi raised his free hand and struck down hard on the back of his opponent's neck.

Illumi controlled his strength so that it was only strong enough to make the guy unconscious. Though, if Illumi was being honest, he wants to kill everyone who tries to hurt his brother. It was just that, the last time he was in Stop Time, his brother cautioned him not to kill anyone. He wanted to kill those frozen kidnappers right there and then, but for the sake of his brother's life, he held himself back.

"Cool. Very effective, Illumi." Friday gave his brother a thumbs up. Noticing something off about Illumi again, Friday gave Illumi a troubled smile. "...You're being gloomy again."

Illumi shook his head, denying his brother's observation.

"Bow down. I can't reach your face."

Illumi bowed down, knowing what his brother will do. Sure enough, once he bowed down, his brother pinched his cheek and told him to smile more. Illumi stared at his brother that was looking back at him worriedly. A familiar warm feeling came over him. He noticed his brother stopped pinching him and tried to reach up to ruffle his hair. Seeing how his brother was having trouble, Illumi chuckled inside his heart and bowed lower. From this new angle, Friday couldn't see the sweet smile blooming on Illumi's lips.


Confident in Illumi's abilities, Friday was sure his opponent will be knocked out cold once time unfreezes.

"We're done here. Let's go and have fun~!" Friday wanted to explore the place and further investigate his powers on the way. Most importantly, he wanted to let the silly kid get his mind off things. Those weren't thoughts a ten-year-old is supposed to be thinking.

Friday and Illumi exited out of the arena and decided to just walk around on the first floor. Finding nothing interesting, they went up to the second floor. Noticing there were only arenas, restaurants, and shopping stores, they decided to directly go up to the 200th floor.

If they want to eat or shop, they could just do those activities outside of Stop Time.

Using Shu, Friday enveloped the whole elevator with his aura, allowing it to work. As long as he used Shu on an object, Friday could make anything move in Stop Time. Unlike unfreezing a human, unfreezing something doesn't affect the time.

Friday was thankful that they didn't have to use the stairs to go to the 200th floor. Though, if he has to pick, he'll preferably climb the stairs in Heavens Arena than climbing Kukuroo Mountain back home.

While waiting for the elevator to reach the 200th floor, Friday asked Illumi what he wanted to do. Illumi said that he's good with anything.

Being left with the job of deciding what to do, Friday just decided to mindlessly wander around. Perhaps explore some restricted area?


Stepping out of the elevator to the 200th floor, Friday immediately felt the strong aura of fighters on this floor. Capable of using Nen, Illumi felt them also, making him tighten his grip on Friday's hand. It was completely different from the weak auras they felt on the lower floors.

Even knowing nothing could harm them, Illumi was cautious. On the other hand, Friday was excited, pulling Illumi over to the 200th floor arena with an enthusiasm of a kid.

Entering the arena, the fighters in the ring weren't the ones that caught Friday's attention. Using Gyo, Friday wasn't interested in their mediocre auras. It was someone in the crowd, showing great potential. Friday could feel that they're not experienced in Nen yet, but that person's level was a little higher than Illumi's.

From afar, he could see the smooth and bright ten surrounding the person. Like a magnet, Friday began unconsciously walking towards the person.

Illumi followed, stopping in his tracks when his brother stopped abruptly.

"What is it?"

With wide eyes, Friday stared at the frozen red-haired teenager watching the fight with an amused smile.

Why is Hisoka here?

Author's Note:

Yay. Uploaded all of them. ( -w- ) Another yay because it's Friday today.


Anyways, thanks for reading and all of the support! 

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