Chapter 45 - Open the Door

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Pietro glanced at the dark-colored clothing the man picked for himself, a stark contrast to the stylish clothes Friday picked for them. The man also brought a set of children's clothing that looked adorable, but the small size fits neither him nor Leorio. Who is it for?

"It's for a child of mine," Friday answered Pietro's unspoken question that was clearly written on the boy's face.

Hearing Friday's words, Leorio showed a face of shock and asked incredulously, "You have a son?!"

While placing down a pack of his own underwear and socks in the cart, Friday shook his head with a smile. "He's not my son."

It's my other body, technically...

After thinking about it, Friday said, "Well, I guess he could be considered as someone related to me. A distant nephew. He might visit someday, so I want clothes prepared for him. " Friday peered at the full shopping cart and smiled. "I think we're all set?"

Leorio and Pietro also examined the shopping cart overflowing with clothes. Both boys thought that they brought too much, but protesting would be no use against the stubborn man in front of them.

When they went up to the cashier, the young woman looked at them like they were crazy, wearing a frown of annoyance. She probably thought that they couldn't afford to pay for the clothes.

Friday smiled at her as he did to the saleslady earlier, a fake but polite smile with underlying coldness. "Could you ring us up?"

The woman looked up at him and saw his handsome face. She blinked in surprise, and a bunch of nonsensical imaginations appeared in her head. She has been watching those programs where celebrities or the wealthy go undercover and help the poor. She thought that the man in front of him was probably an actor and the two poor boys were part of a set-up. She even wanted to look around to look for secret cameras. With that thought in mind, she happily did her job.

Good at reading people, Friday's smile became colder as he read the cashier in front of him.

"That would be 15000 Jenny."

After Friday paid, the two children's faces looked glum again. Friday also asked the cashier if they could change, to which the cashier nicely said yes.

There were changing rooms available for customers, but Friday didn't want to use them without paying for the clothes. He had this feeling they wouldn't be allowed or would be accused of stealing something.

While the children were changing into the refined style clothing set, he also changed out of the faded clothing María lent to him. He placed the borrowed shirt in one of the shopping bags to return later.  He wore a dark jacket with a plain grey T-shirt underneath matched with black pants. From afar, Friday doesn't stand out. However, the dark colors made his white jade skin stand out and emphasized the beauty of his face - especially those green eyes of his. One of the reasons, Wednesday often force Friday to wear a hood when they go out or wear makeup to dampen his beauty. Though, Wednesday also forced him to use his face as a weapon.

When he came out of the stall, Friday saw that the children were already finished putting on the clothes. He couldn't help but smile, seeing them looking charming in those clothes. He looked down and saw their bare feet were finally covered with socks and shoes, making his heart even warmer.

He gave them a thumbs up, then stroked his chin. "I feel like something is missing."

Pietro and Leorio tilted their head with narrowed eyes. He's not going to spend again, right?

In the end, Friday spent a couple more hundred Jenny to buy all three of them a pair of sunglasses.

They walked out of the store with a complete make-over. People were staring again, but with a different thought in mind. Instead of feeling uneasy and disgusted, the people were amused.

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