Chapter 26.5 - Holding Hands

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The once loud arena was eerily silent. The only thing Friday could hear was his faint breathing, making the small boy smile. With no one moving, Friday had to admit, it felt kinda lonely - as if you're the only person in the world. Though, for him, that thought was comforting...

He turned around to look back at his opponent that was still as a statue, before deciding to defeat him later. He has time - about 20 days, he can procrastinate for a bit.

Taking his time, Friday walk up the stairs and returned to his seat. He looked at Illumi, who was in the middle of taking his thumb off the button of the bomb controller after pressing it. Shaking his head in disbelief, Friday reached over to pinch Illumi's cheeks hard.

He couldn't believe Illumi followed his directions and pressed the button, knowing that it sets off a bomb that could kill everyone, including them, without any complaint or hesitation! Unbelievable! It's touching yet disturbing for Friday for someone to have too much trust in him.

Even if it was Wednesday or Thursday, Friday wouldn't press a suicidal button for them. His ex-boyfriend? No, not that bastard... If it was him, maybe...

Getting bothered by his thoughts, Friday changed his focus on Rai, who looked like a worried parent as the butler watched his match, making him shake his head again.

The boy pinched Illumi's poor squishy cheeks again. Then changed his approach, from a pinch to a gentle caress. He took his time feeling Illumi's soft skin with his thumb, his mind lost in thought. In the middle of retracting his hand back, Friday paused.

On the second thought, Friday bit his lips. I'm lonely. I'm not comfortable being alone right now...

Why did he remember him? He wants to go explore and have some fun messing with frozen people. Draw on their faces or something. Not be depressed.

Friday remembered Maha's sappy advice for him after the first mission, "Don't hold your emotions inside to the point it breaks you. Let it out." Friday was reminded of Wednesday when Maha told him that, giving him goosebumps that day.

They're both weird old geezers that could kill you in a second. But for some reason, they do nothing but give cheesy advice.

Still, Maha is right.

For the first time, Friday liked his small height. His height was perfect for giving the frozen Illumi a hug. Friday embraced Illumi and laced their hands together with no ulterior motive. Just a hug to cheer him up.

What a childish reason.

Friday closed his eyes, enjoying the warm embrace. He's glad that frozen people in Stop Time kept their body temperature and not cold like popsicles as he imagined.

He's also very pleased that no one could see him do something this embarrassing. Frozen in time, not even Illumi could see this vulnerable side of him.

"Right, Illumi?"


Yes, not even Illum-!?


Friday looked up to the source of the voice, meeting Illumi's smiling face. "Right, I like this. Mil, let's hold hands longer." The moving Illumi tightened his grip on Friday's hand, not wanting to let go.

"..." Why are you moving? Why. You. Not. Frozen? Why??

Friday looked down on their intertwined hand and wanted to facepalm. Right, he forgot. He has the power to let other people into Stop Time by holding hands. And the moment they stop holding hands, the other person will become frozen again.

"No, let go," Friday said monotonously, too embarrassed to have a playful attitude.

"No. Let me join you. " Illumi looked at him with puppy dog eyes, smart enough to quickly know the consequence of letting go.

"...Let go." Friday tried to pull away, but Illumi was too strong for him.



Looking at Illumi's horrible attempt at doing puppy dog eyes, Friday finally admitted defeat.

Sigh, I should've hugged Rai instead.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading!

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