Chapter 42 - Leorio's Hometown

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A tall and handsome man wearing a white arm sling stood still, watching the sea horizon with a serene expression. The water reflected red and orange as the sun began to set. The man's black hair swayed in the air as the wind caressed his face. The wind brought the salty aroma of the sea, tickling the man's slender nose.

Wanting to show Illumi images of his adventure, Friday took out his phone to take a picture, careful not to accidentally drop his phone in the ocean. He placed his phone back in his pocket just in time when the captain told his passengers that the ship would arrive at the harbor soon.

Friday was glad he wasn't prone to seasickness; if not, he would probably be throwing up the whole two hours of the voyage.

He looked at his arm sling. After escaping the hospital and sleeping at a hotel, the first thing he did was go to another hospital since his arm was in excruciating pain when he awoke.

A few minutes before he would arrive at Leorio's hometown, Friday habitually fiddled with his fingers, thinking of the future.

Soon, the ship reached the harbor. Only having a phone with him and a black wallet that he brought along the way, Friday walked out of the ship without the burden of heavy suitcases and bags.

Even though Friday earned an enormous amount of money in Heaven's Arena, he wasn't a big spender. Before he was picked up by Wednesday, Friday was a street rat. After he was picked up by that bastard Master, they were trained to live without attracting attention. Friday boarding on a cheap ship and simple and dull-colored attire said it all.

Unlike the other passengers on the ship who were heading towards the heart of the island where the stores and decent hotels are, Friday was heading in the opposite direction - the slums.

While following the system's directions, Friday took time to appreciate the island's appearance. From afar, the island was filled with white-walled architectures cascading down. Since it was nearing dark, the town was sprinkled with yellow light like fireflies, making it more enchanting. Friday inferred that the island must get a decent amount of tourists.

Though as Friday walked down the cobbled path, seeing worn-out paint, filth, and more beggars on the street, the town's magic slowly disappeared until there was nothing left.

Friday stopped on his tracks when the system told him that Leorio was around the next corner. Leorio is two years older than Milluki, making him seven years old. He didn't want to approach the kid right now. His purpose was just to see the location out of curiosity. Imagine some stranger walking up to you at night in the middle of a dark street? Either that guy wants to kill you, steal something from you, beat you up, or rape you. Since Friday didn't want Leorio to misunderstand him, he put on his hood and decided to just find a place to stay for the night. He would find the opportunity to talk to the kid tomorrow.

Before Friday could ask the system for directions for the nearest inn, apartment, or house for sale, he heard someone call out to him.

"Mister, are you lost?" It was the voice of a young boy. Thinking that it was Leorio, Friday was a tiny bit disappointed to see a random boy wearing dirty, ragged clothing. It was already dark with a dim street lamp lighting up the surrounding, but with Friday's enhanced eyesight, he could see that the tan-skinned boy under that baby fat was quite a looker.

Having a good face in the slums was a double-edged sword. If you beg, you'll likely be given money since you're cute. However, it also means that you'll get more unwanted attention and attract people with bad intentions. Friday's heart tightened when he saw the boy since he saw himself in him.

"Lost? Yeah." Friday half-lied.

The boy's eyes brightened. "May I help you with directions?"

Living on these streets for all his life, the boy basically knew all the faces here. When he saw Friday, he knew right away that the man was from somewhere else. The man's fair skin, silky black hair, and emerald green eyes shout "foreigner" to everyone. The man doesn't look dangerous, so that kid took the chance to approach him to make some cash.

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