Chapter 46 - Nice Guy

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The bathroom room door opened with a click, but Pietro didn't immediately open it all the way. He snuck a peep at Friday and Leorio, whose faces looked distressed. He especially observed Friday's face, looking for any hint of hatred or disgust. There were none except the look of dread. That look reminded Pietro again of the man's face the first time he saw him.

Finding no hatred in the man's face, Pietro secretly sighed in relief and opened the door.

Seeing the door was about to open, Friday closed his eyes, confusing the children.

"What are you doing?" Leorio asked when he noticed Friday closing his eyes as if he was expecting a jump-scare.

Friday dodged the question. "Nothing~...Pietro, can you take off your clothes?" Realizing how weird that sounded, he wanted to say something more, but Leorio didn't let him.

"Sheesh." Then he heard Leorio going, "tsk, tsk, tsk." Friday could picture Leorio shaking his head while giving him a stink eye.

"You finally revealed your true colors, huh?" The child sounded snarky. The kind of tone that makes people want to go there and spank the child's butt.

Not seeing anything, Friday turned his head towards the sound and smiled. He was thankful that he was very patient with children. "You didn't let me finish. I was going to ask you to get him clothes to change into."

"Yeah, right." The relentless child didn't believe him.

"Why do I need to change clothes?" Friday heard Pietro's hoarse voice in front of him, redirecting his attention.

"You don't want to come out with a bloody shirt, right?"

"Bloody shirt? There's no blood on my shirt. I made sure that blood wouldn't dirty it..." Pietro looked down at his new clothes and examined the spotless shirt. The thought of staining it makes his blood boil in guilt and irritation instantly.

"...Really?" Friday asked skeptically.

Leorio also looked at his friend's clean clothes. "He's not lying."

"...Are you really sure? Double checked that there's no blood?" Friday didn't rule out that the kids might not be telling the truth.

"Yes, we're sure there's no blood," Pietro answered. Since his eyes were closed, Friday didn't see that Pietro had a small smile on his face.

At first, Pietro thought that the man was mysophobic, but he immediately crossed that thought out. Willing to sit next to them on dirty cardboard, ruffle their unwashed hair, and spend time with street rats like them, the man shouldn't be mysophobic. Putting pieces together, it wasn't difficult to know that the man didn't like blood. Even his little friend Leorio, who isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, picked it up.

When he saw that his friend was about to make a racket, he placed his hand on Leorio's shoulder and shook his head.

Pietro looked at Friday again, eyes still closed, wearing an aggravated face. He just thought at that moment that Friday looked cute. From the very beginning, the man was always in control, deciding everything, planning everything. Now looking helpless in front of them, Pietro felt that the man was slightly more endearing.

"There's really no blood. You can open your eyes, now."

He saw the handsome man slowly open one eye, then the other eye after seeing that everything was all clear.

Friday brushed the non-existent dust off his shirt with one hand and pretended nothing just happened. "Alright, let's go to the hospital. I'll ask the waiter to put everything in take-out boxes, so Leorio, you can wipe that frown on your face."

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