Chapter 21 - First Mission

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After Illumi's 6th birthday, Friday realized the significance of birthdays to the Zoldyck family. Birthdays serve as Test Days to put all the skills you learned into use. After the celebration, Silva gave Illumi his test that was along the lines of go to this place and survive for six months.

Finally, he understood why Silva left Killua at Heaven's Arena. It was a test.

Six months later, Illumi came back drenched in blood and all beaten up according to his only information source - the gossiping servants. They also mentioned that it took Illumi a month to recover before continuing his next level assassin training.

Silva probably made their tests more difficult because they were considered as possible heirs of the Zoldyck family.

Only turning one year old with no training, Friday's test wasn't difficult. It was similar to his last test but in the form of a cake.

Dining room.

"Come now Mil, eat the cake Mama made for you. It's very yummy!" Kikyo encouraged the baby to take a bite of the small round vanilla cake in front of him.

Sitting on a highchair, Friday's mouth couldn't help but water at the sight of the highly poisonous dessert. He's been consuming nothing but poisoned milk and baby food, the cake in front of him was simply a blessing. And, If he's being honest, the cake slightly lifted the sour mood that he's been feeling since morning.

The baby giggled and reached for the cake with his hands, clutching a chunk, before bringing it into his mouth. With white icing smeared all over his chubby face, the baby paused for a moment.

So good~! Kikyo, your baking skills are magnificent! The white icing is thick, and the flavor is just right~ Like your husban-

The next second, the poison kicked in, causing his throat to burn like hell, pushing his dirty thoughts to the back of his brain. Compared to last time, the pain was bearable, he was able to hold on until the pain subsided.

"That's a good boy Mil!" Kikyo praised his perseverance. Standing next to Kikyo, Illumi watched him with interested eyes.

Seeing his son not faint this time around, Silva smiled and rubbed his son's head. "Dad, are we ready for later?"

Zeno chuckled, "We'll be alright. It would be a piece of cake...Get it?"

Silva watched his father laughed at his own joke with a stoic face, before looking down at Milluki again.

"Tonight is a special night." He spoke with a low voice, sending shivers down Friday's back, stopping him from taking another bite of the cake.

At the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Maha's smiling face.

I have a bad feeling about this...


Holding the trembling child in his arms, Maha indifferently looked at the bloody headless bodies on the floor.

Short blasts of gunshots were heard close by and were immediately followed by a thud. Another dead body fell, their head rolling on the ground. Illumi looked at his target before dashing somewhere else in the mansion to kill another one.

Silva effortlessly ripped another bodyguard's heart out. On the other side of the room, Zeno, decapitated someone, blood spraying on the walls. With a wave of her fan, Kikyo gracefully sent a couple heads flying.

The mission tonight was to dispose of every one of the X family. Bodyguards, maids, butlers, and children were included. Leave no one alive.

In front of them was a massacre, dyeing everything crimson red. Watching the Zoldyck's performance was horrifying, yet so enchanting - This was the art of murder.

"Happy birthday Milky. Do you like your surprise?" Maha asked quietly. Friday's reaction was different from what he imagined.

He watched the baby shook his head and clutched his clothes tighter. The others were busy killing to pay any attention to the birthday boy.

"Then close your eyes." The old man rubbed his back to comfort him.

Shutting his eyes, Friday still can't calm down. He could hear his heavy breathing. He tried to steady his breath, but it was no use. Nauseous, his complexion was pale white, body trembling like a leaf. He wanted to throw up the cake he ate.

Blood. Blood was still everywhere.

Earlier, he left the Zoldyck estate for the first time. Instead of being excited, he felt grim, realizing the purpose of the travel.

To bring Milluki to his first mission. To let the baby witness death for the first time.

At the sight of blood, Friday remembered a painful scene from his past.

Thursday grabbed his collar, yelling at him with a hoarse voice. "You... You...! Because of you, he died...!"

Biting his lips, he stood there unmoving, letting Thursday cry on his shoulder.

Yes. It was my fault.

"Master..." Thursday repeatedly choked out between his sobs. "Friday...You bastard...I'll kill you...I'll f*cking kill you..."

Yes. Please kill me.

Closing his eyes, he could still feel Wednesday's warm blood splashing into his face.

The baby in his arms fell asleep.

Maha observed Milluki's sleeping face. He knew that this baby is sensitive to blood. Others didn't notice it, but when the doctor took blood samples, the baby would always stiffen up at the sight of it.

The old man sighed.

My great-great-grandson is not born to be a killer.

Author's Note:

Author: Didn't you say you were a top assassin? How did you kill if you can't bear the sight of blood?

Friday: I said I was trained differently! I did kill and I'm very good at it!

Maha: You're not born to be a killer.

Thursday: Yeah, that's why Master died!

Friday: You don't have to rub salt on my wound...

Wednesday: *Shouting from hell* Yeah, that's why I died!

Friday: TwT


Hmm... How do assassins celebrate their birthday?

By drinking shots. But seriously, how?

Thanks for reading and all the support!

Kill, Save, or the second option? (Hunter x Hunter)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora