Chapter 19.5 - Just Before a Flashback

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 "A Specialist, huh?" Kaiga rubbed her chin. "I thought you'll be a Transmuter." She looked at Friday from head to toe. All she could see is a moron whose hobby is to toy with people. What makes this guy a Specialist? There's not an ounce of charisma oozing from this buffoon!

"Ouch." Friday gave Kaiga a fake pained expression. "How mean~! Kaiga, I know what you're thinking from the look on your face." Sighing, he closed his eyes and shrugged. "What a shame... You're just one of those people who can't see my charm~. Truly, I feel bad for you." Opening his eyes, he glanced back at Kaiga with pity in his eyes.

Kaiga, "..." Calm down...Kaiga. Calm down... This is the last lesson you'll have with him. Remember, you endured a year being with him, just a few more hours, and it's all over... So calm down, and don't kill your student.

She looked back at him with a serene expression. "Let's continue the lesson, shall we?"


Friday, Who are you?

Seeing Friday's dumbfounded expression made her a little proud. She continued the lesson with a small smile on her face, "Specialists is the vaguest Nen type since it does not belong in any of the other five categories. I can't really give you any advice besides: To make a great hatsu, build it up using strong emotions or desire. So, close your eyes and meditate. Think back to that time when you felt the most emotion..."

She stopped explaining when she noticed the dangerous glint in Friday's eyes that sent shivers down her spine. "...Friday, are you alright?" She has never seen him like that before.

"Huh? What?" Friday snapped out of it and looked up at Kaiga with a confused face. "Oh, I'm alright." He smiled softly, "Are you sure that basing my Nen ability on my most memorable memories the only way?"

"If you want it to be powerful, yeah..." She gave him a worried look. You looked like you're about to murder someone.

"Want it to be powerful, huh?" Friday looked down at the grass in deep thought before sighing. "Got it."

If his Nen ability is not powerful enough, there's no way he could survive in Hunter x Hunter. Besides, he needs a Nen ability to make up for his other weaknesses.

"Just a heads up Kaiga." He smirked. "I might cry. If you see my beautiful face crying, I allow you to wipe my tears away with flower petals. I know~ I know~ You feel honored, right?" He chuckled.

"...Shut up and meditate already!" She's going back and forth whether she needs to be worried about him or kill him.

Friday closed his eyes and took a deep breath before letting his brain flood with painful memories.

Author's Note:

Kaiga: *Plucks a flower petal* KILL! *Plucks another flower petal* Don't kill...

*Plucks the last one* KILL!!!

Author: Kaiga, don't kill him off yet. It's too soon. I'll kill him later for you, I promise.

Kaiga: Yay~!

Friday: For real?!! ((((;゜Д゜)))

Author: ^_^

Friday: T-T

Yeah, a flashback needs its own chapter.

Thanks for reading! 

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