Chapter 14 - Nen - Lesson 3

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"Glad you survived," Mikaza said to him after changing out of a seductive bunny costume, which was the theme for this dream.

"Heh...Barely." Friday, finally getting into the routine, he didn't waste any more time and quickly chose a module. "Let's go, Kaiga! I want to learn Nen~! See you guys next dream!" He waved to his other teachers, who couldn't care less, already sitting on the sofa drinking tea.

"Beatrix, what tea is this? It tastes good." Smiling cheerfully, Yuna asked the cute little blonde woman - It's hard to believe that she's the same person from the last dream.

Mikaza nodded, agreeing to Yuna's opinion.

"Right? It's called Autumn Touch, a new brew I made. " Beatrix put on a smug look.

Friday didn't feel anything from being ignored and faced Kaiga with a smile.

"You sure adapt fast." Kaiga rolled her eyes, "Ok, let's go."


Sitting crossed-legged on a patch of grass in the flower garden - the same one he saw at the library - Friday blankly stared at the colorful flowers while rubbing his cheeks.

The scratch from my last dream is also gone...

Earlier, he quickly noticed that Yuna's hands were completely healed as if their game of "tag" never happened. Friday made a hypothesis that any injuries from a previous dream will be fully healed in the next dream.

"Stop daydreaming and listen to me!" Kaiga yelled, bringing Friday back to 'reality.'

Friday slowly looked up at her and grinned, "You seem like the person that will daydream all day about their crush."So please don't yell at me. It brings back bad memories.

He narrowed his eyes dangerously, but since at the same time the little tiger unsheathed her claws and aimed for his head, it was only for a brief moment.

Friday swiftly rolled over to avoid his skull by being cracked open by her kendo sword that Kaiga pulled out from nowhere.

"Say one more word, and I won't teach you Nen. Are we clear?" She menacingly pointed the sword at him.

Friday zipped his smiling lips and nodded. How easy to anger~ I wonder what will happen if I call her short~?

"Now, where was I?- Oh right, meditation exercises. You're going to do them until all of your aura nodes are open. This process normally takes about one year. After that, I will teach you other techniques."

I know, it's written in the Hunterpedia. Come to think of it, this dream space is like the Hunterpedia, but more detailed, dangerous, fun, and with 100% more waifu material.

Kaiga continued her explanation. "However, first, let's see your natural potential and let you feel your own aura. Ok, so, put their index fingers slightly apart, and have the tips close in on each other until you have the sensation of pushing against something." As she explained, she demonstrated it with her own hands.

Friday did as he was told obediently, instantly switching his expression into a more serious one, focusing his senses on his hands. He stopped moving them closer when he felt something or thought he did. He looked up at Kaiga to get some feedback, but Kaiga was looking at him with a face full of shock.


"How is it?" He asked with a smirk. She's made of nen, so obviously, she can easily see my aura.

"F-for a mongrel like you, your potential is not bad, but don't get cocky. Wipe that annoying smile off your face." This man has great potential...

Friday nodded understandingly, "You're right. One must be humble. There's a saying that a great person is always willing to be little. Kaiga, so you must be a great person!"

Forget about his potential. He's dead.

"...I'm going to kill you!" Kaiga glared at him with flaming eyes, hands tightly gripping the kendo sword, ready to bring Friday to death.

"Kaiga, why are you angry? I was praising you~!" Friday looked at her innocently.

"Run." Kaiga took a step towards him.

Friday stood up calmly, slowly backing away every time she moved forward. "C-come on Kaiga, chasing me will use up all the class time. I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to indirectly call you small."

"DIE!" Kaiga charged in, her movements quick, thrusting her sword at the side of his stomach. He was barely able to dodge it in time before running into a full sprint away from her.

When he finally lost sight of her, he chuckled before hiding inside a bush and began unconsciously using Zetsu.

Guess the lesson can continue next time... Hmm..? A mischievous smile blossomed on his lips. I wonder what will happen if I call Beatrix short?

Author's Note:

Asking for death (=w=)

Friday: Kaiga is fun to tease.

Beatrix: Try it on me, and I'll force you to write every time you choose my module.

Yuna: Try it on me, and I'll try to kill you every time you choose my module.

Friday: Yuna, you'll do that even without teasing you. -w-

Mikaza: -_-

Thanks for reading!

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