mama 2018 (in korea)

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A/N: So this is a combination of the actual awards show as well as the My First MAMA videos. Hope you enjoy, and as always I love you all! <3
Also, do I have any True Beauty fans here?? Just curious... ._.

"Hello everyone!" Felix says, causing you to look up and wave at the camera with a smile, "It's Byeol and Felix here, and we are currently on our way to the company to practice because..." he turns to you, prompting you to finish the sentence.
"We are going to be performing at the 2018 MAMAs!" The two of you cheer before continuing your journey to the JYPE building while speaking to the camera on the way.
"Please look forward to our performances, see you soon!" Felix makes a few final comments when you're close to the building before turning the camera off, when you notice Minho and Jisung nearby. You wave at them excitedly and decide to wait for them to cross the road and join you, before making your way to the company building together.

You got to the practice room where the others were already waiting, placing your bags on the sofa at the back of the room to begin warming up immediately. You did some stretches, making sure to massage your hand as always before placing your wrist support on. You guys then practiced nonstop with the choreographer for a while, ensuring you did a few rehearsals with mics to practice your parts, as well as monitoring your performances throughout to see which bits needed improvement. You spent this day just rehearsing for the performances only your group had, and planned to rehearse with The Boyz the following day for the collaboration stages you would have with them.

After a productive day filled with rehearsals, you all decided to head home and film on the way back to the dorms. Jeongin was holding the camera up while you stood beside him on your tiptoes, leaning your head against his shoulder. You smiled at the camera while he spoke, shivering every few seconds because of the cold.
"Oppa I look like an idiot right now, you know that?"
"You look cute!" Jeongin says with a giggle, and you respond with a little glare. He tries to reassure you, but he can't help but laugh at the way your arms can't even fully go down from the puffiness of the coats you were wearing.

Although you don't like to admit it, the boys are well aware of the fact that you get cold pretty easily, so they always make sure you wrap up extra warm whenever the weather is like this. That is precisely why you were currently waddling down the street wearing not only your coat, but also Chan's. That, plus the gloves and scarf you were wearing, made you look nothing less than idiotic, but at least you were warm right?

You and Felix were both really excited on the journey, skipping beside one another on your way back to the dorms. The other boys were walking nearby, while Hyunjin and Jeongin were behind the camera filming you both. Eventually you gave the coat back to Chan because you felt crazy and it was getting ridiculous, but Chan just held the coat in his hand rather than actually wearing it which made you frown.
"Oppa you were the one who forced me to dress up like a lunatic in this weather when you're the one wearing short sleeves," you say with a deadpan expression, "and it's not even like you forgot your coat, you're literally holding it in your hand right now." He mockingly sticks his tongue out at you, causing you to pout. 

You guys spent the next few days practicing as much as possible and perfecting your parts, before the day of the awards show had finally arrived. Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin were in the waiting room speaking to the camera since they were the first ones ready for the red carpet, their conversations suddenly halting and jaws dropping when you walked out of the dressing room.
"Wow, look at you!" Jeongin cheered, grabbing your hand and making you do a little twirl, which made you giggle.
"You look beautiful hun," Felix told you with a smile, which you returned shyly.

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