kbs song festival 2018

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P.S. I'm sorry this chapter is so terrible :/

You spent the next few weeks resting and just calming yourself down after the trauma of what had happened, as well as giving your hand the chance to heal before you would be getting back to your regular schedules. You were still having occasional nightmares, which was expected, but aside from that you were feeling a lot better and much more comfortable with the help of the boys. Your group's first appearance after your short break had been the KBS Song Festival, an event you had all been really looking forward to. You started off with the red carpet, where you all greeted the hosts and took lots of pictures, before heading backstage to get ready for the show.

The festival started with an introductory performance from Celeb Five, which was really enjoyable and put everyone in a cheery mood for the rest of the event. During their performance all of the idols who were present that day were all stood on the stage, and about half way through the curtains were lowered to reveal all of you at the back, dancing, cheering and just enjoying the performance. When their stage was over they all fell to the ground and pretended to be really tired, which made everyone laugh - it was just a really fun way to start the day, and put you all in a good mood.

Shortly after you all made your way backstage, the festival officially started with a performance from The Boyz - which you watched and thoroughly enjoyed. More performances followed after that, and your group were all just chilling together in your waiting room. You didn't have to perform until at least an hour into the show, so you all stayed backstage and just spent your time in your waiting rooms and greeted other idols who passed. After a little while you began to feel a bit thirsty, so you walked out to get something from the nearby vending machine. When you were on your way back though, you heard your name being called from an open door closest to the vending machine.

You walked over and peeked your head in slowly, noticing that Joshua had been the one calling you. You smiled widely at him, but stayed at the door since you were too shy to actually enter. Joshua, sensing your nervousness, walked over and gently took your hand, pulling you into the room and towards the sofa where the rest of his members were sitting. He began introducing you to his members almost immediately, and you got to know them for a little while.
"She's so cute oh my god," you heard someone say, and you turned to see Jeonghan who was trying to push Vernon out of the way so he could sit beside you. After finally succeeding, he instantly wrapped his arms around your waist and cuddled into your side with a content sigh.
"How are you one of our oldest members?" you heard someone ask from across the room, which made you giggle.

You heard a voice from the door a few minutes later, looking over to see Chan by the door who was shaking his head with a smile. Since you had been gone for a while, he decided to look around to see where you had wandered off to. He laughed when he saw you being surrounded by the Seventeen members.
"Come on, let's go," he said to you after greeting the members and conversing with them for a little while.
"Awww, can't we keep her?" Jeonghan asked, tightening his arms around your waist and shaking his head quickly in disagreement. He pouted cutely when Joshua started to pry his hands away from you so that you could actually get up, which made you laugh even harder. Once you finally managed to get out of his grip you said your goodbyes to the members before leaving with Chan to head back in the direction of your waiting room.
"Trust you to go off and make that many new friends in such a short time," he chuckles, making you turn to him with a grin and a mocking shrug of your shoulders.

While you were walking back, though, you got slightly distracted, wanting to explore a little. You found one of the rooms for the interviews, smiling when you saw that the SM idols were filming the interview for their special stage. You walked over and stood behind the camera quietly, silently cheering for them and waving your hands around in excitement. As soon as Chan realised where you had run off to, he pulled you out of the room in embarrassment before someone could scold you for making all of the SM idols laugh. They all watched you with smiles on their faces, a few of the NCT members discreetly glancing over at Jaemin as you were being dragged away by Chan.

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