author's note

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Sorry I was gone for a while again after promising to get writing again, I SWEAR I'M NOT DOING IT ON PURPOSE!!

There's just a lot going on at home right now unfortunately so I haven't been in the right mindset to be writing, I'm really sorry about that. I've kinda been through a bit of a depression for years but the past few months its been getting really bad so I just had to take a break from everything (including writing). My phone also broke, and I actually prefer using wattpad on my phone just because it's a lot easier, so I had to wait until I could get a new one before I could start uploading again :(

So here's my plan! I'm hoping to finish the True Beauty story (or at least get pretty far with it) first, before solely focusing on the Stray Kids story after that. This is because the whole True Beauty story has already been fully planned out from start to finish with most of the details already put into place - all I need to do is write it! I have a lot of SKZ chapters planned out but not in as much detail as the True Beauty one, which is why I want to finish it before focusing only on this one since it's ongoing - does that make sense?

Like I said, my mental state hasn't been doing too great and I'm a full-time student (did I mention I actually got into my dream course at university? hehe) and therefore I don't always have the time or energy to write, so I hope you can all understand. Fingers crossed it all works out though, because I really want you guys to enjoy this story. During my breaks I've been trying to write as much as I can - but that's not always possible unfortunately.

Once again apologies for constantly leaving you guys for months at a time and not always following through with my promises, and I really hope I can start updating again soon so please bare with me. :(

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2021 ⏰

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