ships outside the group (part 4)

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A/N: I know I've made so many parts to this, do you guys enjoy it...? o_O

Q x Byeol
•OMG you have the biggest crush on him, his smile just makes your heart MELT <3
•Like I know there is a bit of an age gap between the two of you but this is honestly such a superior ship regardless - you're both just so wHIPPED for each other
•You're always blushing or being shy around him, and he finds it so adorable - to be honest he's pretty much the same
•You met The Boyz because of the collaboration stages you did together, and you became really close with them after multiple rehearsals together
•Taps your nose in greeting a lot because he finds it so adorable when you scrunch your nose and giggle in response
•Just CONSTANTLY admiring each other's smiles
•dOlPhIn ScReAmS I-
•Will often just walk up to you and wordlessly place his chin on your head - and it's just the cutest thing because you always look up at him and grin with your beautiful eye smile
•Also, dance duo? I think YES - you two have done a few duet dance performances together and netizens have LOVED every single one :) - your chemistry is perfect and you guys honestly just have the sweetest bond

Sunghoon x Byeol
[best friends]
•For a while the two of you had never even met, just spoke about one another often in interviews and radio shows
•You admire each other so much, and you think he's insanely talented - you both want to collaborate one day
•He obviously admired you before he even started I-LAND, but he became an even bigger fan of yours when he saw your cover of Into The I-LAND which was just iMMACULATE
•You became a fan of his after watching him in I-LAND and you admired his ice-skating skills
•Literally the ENTIRE industry wanted the two of you to meet because you were always talking about each other
•When you finally met it was at the 2020 MAMAs, and you just bowed politely when you saw him
•He was the one who mustered the courage to actually approach and speak to you, and you became friends really quickly considering he's only a few months older than you
•He just has the cutest little smile on his face whenever your name is mentioned
•Another idol who has a lot of moles like you which netizens find really adorable
•hELP- he took you to an ice-skating rink once and taught you to skate *crying in a corner leave me alone*
•Now you can actually do a few cool turns, and you've become really good at ice-skating - your ballet skills (which Mina had been teaching you) did help you out quite a bit

Rosé x Byeol
•So wholesome oh my-
•ADORES your accent - she just adores everything about you to be honest ^.^
•She is one of your fAVOURITE idols and you just look up to her so much
•Meeting her was honestly the funniest thing, your reaction was PRICELESS - you literally just went bLANK
•Like you looked so starstruck and you just went "...woah" so everyone was laughing at you
•And then she told you she was your fan and you honestly looked like you had just seen a ghost because uM HELLO?! THE ROSÉ JUST SAID SHE'S YOUR FAN - you literally screamed "UM SOMEONE PINCH ME PLEASE"
•Cue more laughter
•So long story short, you were an absolute MESS when you first met her
•But you guys became close friends really quickly and she LOVES you
•Another victim of having her phone decorated by you, but she was actually the one who asked for it
•She had taken you out for some ice-cream because she wanted to spend some time with you, and your phone was face down on the table so she saw your case which was decorated really nicely
•She was just like "wow did you do that yourself?!"
•And when you nodded shyly she gave you her case and excitedly asked if you could do that to her phone
•She always talks about you and shows off her phone case during her live streams
•Will often just grab your hand and make you do a little twirl when she sees you at award shows because she thinks you look beautiful
•"Oooooo look at you!!"
•And it always just makes you giggle shyly

Kevin x Byeol
[best friends]
•Another one who literally finds ANY excuse to talk about you - no doubt your biggest hypeman
•He has a polaroid of you in his phone case and shows it off whenever he gets the chance
•You guys do that thing where you run towards each other in slow motion when you meet and it's honestly so stupid - there are so many compilation videos of this it's actually unbelievable
•Absolute CLOWNS whenever you're together it's literally NEVER quiet
•The two of you stick together a lot at the ISACs - if you're not with your members, chances are you're probably somewhere with The Boyz being goofy with them
•Tickle fights oMGGGGGG - he just adores your laugh so tickle fights are an absolute MUST if he's trying to put you in a good mood
•Sometimes you go to his dorms just to cook together for him and his members
•You guys honestly have some questionable conversations - like you will just randomly text him:
•Oppa~ (っ^_^)っ - What. - Something's really bothering me - This better be good because it's like 3am right now - As if you were even sleeping - ...Look yeah, just shut up and tell me what's up I didn't ask to be violated like this at 3 in the morning - Okay fine, when butterflies fall in love do they feel humans in their stomachs? - ... - ...? - No of course not, they feel whatever they ate last, stop eating butterflies
•yOu SeE, a nORMAL person would probably tell you to shut your mouth and go to sleep but this boy I-
•Cue a whole debate about butterflies that will probably go on for a idiotic amount of time and NEITHER OF YOU WILL GIVE IN

Eunwoo x Byeol
•The visuals of this ship I-
•Eye smiles for days, like the two of you just have such pretty smiles
•Netizens just naturally ended up shipping you together and calling you siblings because of this
•You feel really comfortable around him
•You often greet him by running up to him and jumping onto his back when he's not looking, so he has just learnt to always be on guard if you're at the same event as him - he almost dropped you the first time but all you did was just burst out laughing while he was having a whole heart attack
•You guys tend to see each other the most at award shows, so you both have really cute interactions when you greet each other in passing which fans always manage to capture on camera
•Tiptoes when you guys take selfies and holds the camera really high so you're not in the camera frame, but then he gives in and leans down to match your height when you start pouting at him

Rowoon x Byeol
•OMG the height difference- gOODBYE- *snorts*
•He once hugged you in greeting when he saw you at the ISACs and you LITERALLY just disappeared for a second because you were just buried in his arms I-
•Like no joke, you practically just *vAnIsHeD*
•When you first met you guys were at the same schedule, and you went to SF9's waiting room thinking it was yours
•But when it wasn't opening you got a little confused, so you knocked only for it to be opened by Rowoon
•He started looking around and was confused when there was nobody outside, but then he heard a little voice so he looked down and realised you were standing there
•You both laughed at how he didn't realise you were there because of the height difference, before he kindly helped you find your way back to your own waiting room
•Your members couldn't stop laughing when they saw you standing beside each other because you were like half his height o_O - you were standing there with a deadpan expression while Rowoon was just laughing
•Okay but seriously, why does everybody keep using you as their own personal arm rest -_-
•You guys became even closer through Inseong, who you became friends with during We K-Pop, and also spoke to a lot at the ISACs
•But he really loves you, and he always promotes your group - probably more than he promotes his own but aNYWAYS

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