two kids room (vol.2) highlights

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A/N: Random question, what has been your favourite chapter/moment from this story so far? :)

"So how's Kkami?" you ask Hyunjin the moment he joins you, not looking away from the sweet wrapper you were trying to open.
"Wahhhhh the first question you ask me when we're given this beautiful quality time to talk to each other is about Kkami?" he asks, a hurt expression on his face.
You look up and stare at him innocently with a straight face, acting like you didn't know what the problem was.
"Yes...?" you respond, and the next few seconds are filled with silence.
He tries to be upset for a few moments, but gives up with a sigh when you smile at him - he can't get angry at you.
"Okay, fine. He's good, he misses you though."
"And your parents?"
"They miss you too, they keep asking about you whenever I visit them. Said I should bring you the next time I go to see them."
"Yay, I would love to! Your mum always cooks me amazing food and treats me really nicely," you say, excitement evident in your tone. He knew how much you loved his parents, and how much they adored you. They checked up on you a lot, and treated you like their own child, which you appreciated since your own parents were currently on the other side of the world.
He stays quiet for a few moments, staring at you expectantly.
"And of course, how are you Hyunjinnie oppa?" you laugh at the way he lets out a huge exhale, as if he had been holding his breath while waiting for you to ask that question.
"Finally!" he cheers, causing you to giggle and pull him into a hug, "I'm very good princess, you?" he responds, returning the embrace. You smile and hum in response to his question.
The two of you sit in a comfortable silence for a while, but it was soon broken by Hyunjin.
"You're so pretty," he says, and you look over to see that he was smiling at you in adoration.
"Stop~ why are you like this?" you blush, moving to cover his mouth for a while, but eventually giving up in favour of covering your own face.
"It's true though!"
He laughs at your embarrassed reaction, hugging you even tighter.

You were sitting cross-legged on the sofa opposite Jeongin, trying to open the soda can that you had picked up from the table beside you. He watched you in silence, confused about how you were struggling to open a can of all things.
Eventually you gave up with a sigh, before finally realising that Jeongin still hadn't spoken yet. You looked up at him, smiling cutely.
"Here, let me open it for you," he says with a laugh.
When he hands it back to you, this time with the lid opened, you take a few sips before placing it on the table to the side. You grab a pillow and cuddle it into your lap, making yourself comfortable.
"You know, Seungmin hyung only ever lets you get away with stuff."
"What do you mean?"
"He always goes mental whenever one of us sits on his bed, for example, but whenever you do he doesn't even care! He just looks at you, acknowledges it, and then continues with whatever he was doing. When it's one of us he pushes us off," he pouts.
You giggle at the way Jeongin passionately complains about Seungmin not letting him on his bed, intertwining your fingers with his to calm him down.
"Whenever it's you he always just coos and hugs you. I mean I can't say I blame him, but still!"
"Hehehe what can I say," you respond with a smug expression, "I'm just that amazing, I can't help it."
You look over at him, bursting into laughter at the sight of his deadpan expression.
He leans forward with a smirk before moving to tickle you, causing you to squeal.
"Okay okay I'm sorry!" You're laughing so much there are practically tears in your eyes by this point, but he doesn't let up.
You eventually manage to give him a kiss on the cheek so he finally lets go with a giggle, pulling you into a hug instead.
"That's what I thought."

"Hehehehe annyeong," you giggle cutely as you waddle into the room, waving your sweater paws around.
"What are you doing oppa?" You make your way to the sofa where Minho was already seated, and he gushed internally at your cuteness, but kept his eyes closed.
"Don't bother me, I'm sleeping right now," he says, putting a pillow over his face to hide the smile that was beginning to widen.
"Ahhhh really? Let's sleep then!" you shout, walking closer to him.
"Nooooo, don't come near me," he says jokingly, pushing you away when you try to hug him.
Eventually you just jump onto the sofa right on top of him, causing him to groan but still let out a chuckle at your antics, "Hello sleepy Lee Know oppa!"
He continues to act like you were being a bother, but the smile on his face clearly told you that he was having fun.
When you pout, he opens his arms with a grin and pulls you into a big hug.
"Alright, come on you big baby," you cheer, burying your face into his chest as you let out a content hum, finding the embrace really comforting.
"Everyone~ Minho oppa pretends he doesn't enjoy when I bother him, but secretly he loves it." he pinches your cheek playfully, causing you to scrunch your nose with a laugh. He moved your head so it was buried in his shoulder with the excuse that you were being too loud, but you both knew he was trying to hide the fact that he was smiling.

The two of you were conversing normally when you noticed something behind Seungmin.
"So how did you find the promotio-"
"Oh my god it's Bulbasaur!" you shout excitedly, causing Seungmin to look back at the plushie you're making grabby hands at with heart eyes. He laughs and reaches over to pick it up and hand it to you, and you immediately cuddle the plushie with a big grin. He smiles fondly and pats your head at your adorable actions.
"We met at vocal lessons right?"
"Yep! Most of our lessons were right after each other so I used to see you a lot between them."
"Ahh I've always thought you had the most beautiful voice," he sighs happily at the memory, "your vocals were perfect after only a few lessons, they sounded so amazing. The other trainees were always talking about you because you were the youngest in the company, but everybody still thought you were the most talented." Your face reddens in shyness at his words, genuinely unaware of the reputation you had during your short time as a trainee at JYPE.
"Remember that time I told you unicorns weren't real?" he asks, randomly changing the subject. He laughs at your deadpan expression.
"Times, oppa. As in plural. And yes. I remember it very clearly. Thank you for bringing back those wonderful memories," you respond sarcastically, throwing him what you thought was a death glare. From the way he giggled and pulled you into a hug, though, it clearly wasn't as successful as you had hoped. You pouted cutely and turned away, so he decided to tease you even more.
"They're not real," he says, causing you to snap your head in his direction and gasp in shock.
"You take that back!" you cried, throwing a pillow at him. He laughed even more at your reaction, causing you to frown. It took a few promises of sweets and bubble tea before you finally forgave him.
The staff members eventually let you keep the Bulbasaur plushie because you just looked so happy with it and you didn't seem to want to let it go.

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