saying goodbye to your parents

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A/N: Not a great chapter, but Byeol's parents move back to London in this one :(

It's been a few weeks since JYP confirmed that all of you would be able to debut together. You and Minho both moved back into the trainee dorms, and you felt like things were going back to normal. You were all together again.

You were with your members in the dorm, having just cleaned up the mess from dinner. You were sitting on the sofa, Minho and Chan sitting on either side of you paying attention to the TV. Hyunjin was sitting in front of you, and you had your arms around his shoulders, head resting on top of his as you were looking at the game he was playing on his phone. Jeongin, who was sitting on the floor next to Hyunjin, was eating ice-cream, feeding you a spoonful every few minutes.

You were wearing one of Chan's hoodies with a pair of shorts, the hoodie basically looked like a dress since it reached your mid-thigh. You were also wearing your glasses, and your hair was left out since you had just washed it, so you were currently letting it air-dry.

You thought you heard a phone ring but ignored it, assuming it was one of the other boys'

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You thought you heard a phone ring but ignored it, assuming it was one of the other boys'. You were in the middle of helping Hyunjin with his game when Chan nudged you gently, handing you your phone.

You started grinning as soon as you saw who was calling.
"Eomma!" you answer the phone happily, the boys around you melting at the adorable sight.

You spoke to your mother for a while but your smile dropped slightly, turning into a frown at the next thing she said. Ending the call with her, you sadly look up from your phone to see eight boys curiously looking at you.

"They're moving back to London in a few days," you sigh, dejectedly moving to lean your head back on top of Hyunjin's. He moved slightly to intertwine his hands with yours that were on his shoulders, rubbing his thumb on the back of your hand soothingly.

Your mother explained to you that since your living accommodation and your debut was now confirmed, they were planning to move back to London in a few days. Their lives were, after all, still there. You knew that was the plan since the beginning so you were expecting it, but that didn't make it any easier to accept. You still hadn't mentally prepared yourself for the fact that your parents would soon be on the other side of the world. She told you that they wanted to spend some time with you before they go, and for you and a few of the other boys to come to the airport to see them off.

Chan wrapped an arm around you, telling you to get some rest and to go see them tomorrow. You agreed, heading to your room to get as much sleep as you could.

You didn't sleep much that night.

The next few days were spent at your parent's apartment, having fun and just enjoying your time with them. You lived with them for those few days, wanting to enjoy every second together. You also went to some of your favourite places to visit in Seoul. You basically used those days, with permission from the company of course, to spend every spare minute together doing the things you enjoy as a family.

At the airport:
"We will take care of her, we promise," Chan tells your parents when you all reach the gate for their flight, the others eagerly nodding in agreement. Seungmin, Chan, Felix and Jeongin decided to join you so they could keep you company after your parents left.

You mother reached over to pat Chan's cheek thankfully before pulling the boys into a hug, your dad shaking hands with each of them.

"Make sure you listen to your oppas well okay?" your mother tells you, to which you respond with a teary "of course" as you pull her into a tight hug.

"Thank you for being my parents and letting me do this, I love you so much," you tell your parents through your cries. They both pull you into one last hug, before they each kiss your cheek and make their way towards the correct gate for their flight. They look back at you the whole time, not once breaking eye contact with you until they have to enter the plane.

When they're no longer in sight Felix is the first to pull you into a hug, the other boys joining in shortly after. They all try their best to comfort their youngest member on the way back to the dorm.

After a few weeks you began to feel much better, calling your parents whenever you have the time, and just generally feeling a lot happier because even though your parents are on the other side of the world, you still have your other family here with you all the time.

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now