fans favourite moments with the boys

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A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating for a few days, I have exams next week that I've been studying for but I still wanted to upload something before then for you all to enjoy. Also, thank you so much for over 100 reads! <3

•He was in the middle of doing a VLIVE in the practice room, while you were next door practicing some choreography - he told you he would wait for you to finish so you could go back to the dorms together.
•You got really tired after rehearsing for a while, though, so you went to the room Chan was in without even bothering to pick up your things.
•You didn't actually notice Chan was doing a VLIVE, sleepily rubbing your eyes as you walked to him and sitting on his lap without any words exchanged.
•He watched you walk into the room with amused eyes, wrapping his arms around you and moving your hair away from your face when you sat on his lap and cuddled into his chest, falling asleep almost immediately.
•When he was sure that you were asleep he finally looked back up at the camera, pinching your cheeks lightly and saying, "everyone this is my daughter, who clearly still sleeps like a baby."
•Everyone in the comments was gushing over how cute the interaction was, which Chan was giggling at as he read through them.
•He ended the VLIVE shortly after that, telling all the fans that he had to take you to the dorms and put you to sleep.

•You guys were on set filming for one of your music videos, and there were staff members recording some behind the scenes videos that would be posted after the album was released.
•Minho and Hyunjin were casually talking to one of the cameras about how the filming was going, when Hyunjin noticed that Minho's wallpaper was a cute picture of you.
•This eventually turned into Minho showing the camera the albums on his phone just full of pictures of you, gushing over how cute you looked in them. •Both boys literally had heart eyes while they were looking through the pictures and talking about you.
•The moment was cut short, however, when they saw you walking up to them, suspiciously asking what they were doing.
•They just awkwardly coughed and Minho quickly hid his phone, looking like a deer caught in headlights.

•When you were filming for The 9th, you had to play a game where a few of the boys were eating snacks, while the rest of you had to guess which member had the punishment snack.
•After one of the rounds Hyunjin suggested that, out of those of you who were guessing, someone should try the penalty snack as well - you ended up playing rock paper scissors to decide, which you lost.
•Since you have a really strong sense of smell and you're a picky eater, games like this are especially difficult for you.
•While you were hesitating you felt the snack get pulled out your hand, looking up at Changbin who wordlessly ate the snack for you and walked away.
•Everyone was teasing him for his cool actions, to which he laughed after finally getting over the spiciness of the food.

•You were on We K-Pop with your members, but you ended up having to do a penalty with Hyunjin for losing the mini-games you were playing on the show.
•When they announced it was the pepero game, everybody went iNSANE.
•You and Hyunjin were flustered and tried to avoid eye contact, while the other boys were either screaming in excitement or disagreement, feeling protective of their youngest member.
•Since the fans love this ship so much, they highkey just wanted you to mess up so you would end up kissing.
•You just awkwardly stood there with your eyes closed and the pepero between your teeth, hearing everyone scream as Hyunjin got closer.
•You got confused, because you suddenly felt someone move next to you and heard the audience become even louder.
•As you were about to open your eyes to see what the commotion was about, you felt a hand on the back of your head push you forwards so your lips met Hyunjin's.
•You opened your eyes in shock, looking at Hyunjin who had a blush that was probably equally as bad as yours.
•You noticed Jeongin and Minho high-five each other next to you - they obviously were the ones who pushed you and Hyunjin together.
•Chan was going completely insane, playfully attacking the two boys for making Hyunjin kiss his daughter. You were laughing at his antics, but your blush still had not settled because that was your first kiss.

•Your group was about to perform YAYAYA during the busking mission of the survival show, and you were feeling really stressed.
•You were really worried, about yourself and Felix in particular, because both of you were making the most mistakes and being the most frantic during rehearsals.
•Jisung noticed how uneasy and tense you were as you were getting into your starting poses for the song - you were positioned so you and Jisung were facing each other - so he tapped your hand lightly and smiled at you to try and cheer you up.
•"Let's do well, okay?" he asked you with a grin, to which you gratefully smiled back and were able to calm your nerves slightly.

•Fans have shipped the two of you together since the survival show, mainly because of the fact that you asked to be eliminated instead of him.
•When you eventually came back for the last mission, his eyes literally lit up and he grinned so widely.
•He literally picked you up and hugged you after JYP left the room, spinning you around.
•It was the same thing after JYP announced that you would be able to debut as a group of nine - the two of you ran into each other's arms and hugged each other really tightly (which was during the live broadcast so the audience was all gushing at the adorable interactions between you two - including both his and your parents but aNYWAYS).
•Since then the two of you have the cutest interactions, always sticking together like you're joint at the hip.

•You guys went on Weekly Idol and you were playing some mini-games, enjoying yourself with the boys.
•Somehow you ended up getting a hole in your shirt during one of the activities, and the boys were all laughing at how you were pretending to cry out of embarrassment.
•Seungmin had a spare hoodie which he brought with him that day, so he gave it to you to wear.
•But when you came back from the dressing room, everybody was laughing because you literally looked like a child - the hoodie was so big on you that it looked like a dress and it gave you sweater paws.
•Honestly the next ten minutes were just spent with the boys all gushing at your cuteness, Seungmin hugging you for the rest of that episode because of how adorable and small you looked in his sweater.

•During the last mission of the survival show, you were doing your solo performance which you had kept a surprise from the other boys - they knew you were doing a solo, but didn't know anything else in terms of the song choice or how much you had actually improved since being eliminated.
•You literally looked so ethereal during the performance, and the boys hadn't seen you dress like that before, so they were understandably all in awe of how beautiful you looked.
•This fool literally just stood there with his mouth wide open and his jaw practically hitting the ground, not noticing that the camera was facing him and had caught his reaction.

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora