survival show (episode 5)

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A few days after Minho's elimination, you were called back to the company to gather for a meeting with JYP. He talked to the eight of you and gave you a little lesson about the things to remember and keep in mind when becoming idols and in general to succeed in achieving your dreams.

He spoke about the important qualities needed, the main three being sincerity, honesty and diligence. It was useful because it gave you all an insight into the type of mindset you should have if you were going to spend your career being idols and live your lives in the eyes of the public.

Afterwards, one the staff members came to your practice room and told the eight of you that you could all go for a little vacation, just to release your stress from the past few days. You all decided to go to Gangneung.

You started your vacation by going to the beach. You weren't entirely fond of the idea due to your fear of water, but you were content just watching the boys enjoy themselves. You stood a bit further away and kept yourself entertained by speaking to some of the staff members and into the camera.

You then ate at the central market before making your way to an ice skating rink. It was your first time going and you were scared you would fall so you were just holding onto the railing at the side with Jeongin beside you.

Noticing you and Jeongin, Jisung and Hyunjin came over to help you; Jisung helped Jeongin while Hyunjin came over to help you because they were both really good at skating. Holding Hyunjin's hands tightly you slowly began skating with him in front of you, trying to ignore how fast your heart was beating.

After getting the hang of it, most of the boys decided to turn it into a race. They decided to do a relay race, you joining Hyunjin's team.

When it got to your turn during the lap before the last, you were against Changbin. Knowing how good he was at skating, you knew you had to find a way to make him mess up to give you an advantage. So you called for him, throwing him a wink and an air kiss just before the two of you started. This caused him to falter for a few moments, giving you a head start and ultimately resulting in your team's victory.

That evening you camped out and just generally started talking about how everybody felt, before the conversation shifted to the people everyone's grateful towards.

"Ummmm for me, I actually have four," you started with a nervous laugh, the others urging you to speak comfortably.

"First of all I'm grateful to my parents for believing in me enough to let me move to a completely different country and stay with me here until my dreams come true. They're truly my heroes." You had a lovely smile on your face at the thought of your parents, realising in that moment just how much they had actually sacrificed for your aspirations. You made a mental vow to make sure you would debut no matter what, not just for yourself but for your parents who had unconditional faith in you and your talents.

"I'm also thankful to Chris oppa~" you say cutely, looking at him as a shy smile made its way on his face. "Honestly when I came to this country I knew a tiny bit of Korean but it wasn't enough to feel like I could fit in and have proper conversations with other people. It was hard to get used to the system and the culture and just going to a place where I had no friends. I had to start completely from scratch. So when I joined JYPE I was really nervous and didn't talk to anybody because I didn't know how to approach anybody, and I was always the youngest. But Chan oppa really helped me because he understood what it felt like to come to a foreign country at such a young age and not know how to fit in, so he approached and often spoke to me in English and helped me with my Korean to help me feel comfortable. So I'm really thankful to him because he was the first person to show me any kindness and take care of me during my time at the company, and he introduced me to all of you amazing boys," you get up to give Chan a hug, sitting in his lap and mumbling a quiet thank you into his chest.

The boys were quiet as you spoke about your experiences, waiting for you to mention the last person. Still sitting in Chan's lap and distractedly playing with his fingers, you hesitate for a moment before speaking.

"I'm also grateful to Minho oppa," you begin sadly, noticing the nods of agreement from the others, "He always helped us when we were stressed or worried, and if I couldn't get a dance right he always stayed with me in the practice room to help me fix it." This started a conversation about how much everybody missed Minho, and how nice this vacation would've been if he joined you.

The staff, at the mention of Minho, asked you if you wanted to watch the video message he made for the eight of you. Everyone hesitantly agreed and moved to huddle around you and Chan to see the laptop, but you were nervous. You were all still heartbroken and really guilty, so you had been putting it off over the past few days since you didn't completely feel ready to listen.

When Minho's face appeared on the screen a sad smile made its way onto your face. You moved so your head was leaning against Chan's chest whilst moving to hold Felix's hand tightly since he was sitting right next to the two of you.

He says something to each member, telling them how much he loves them and how grateful he is towards them. Your eyes start to water when he gets to you, tightening your hold on Felix's hand in search of more comfort.

"Byeollieeeee~," he starts, causing everybody to chuckle lightly, "You need to remember that you are beautiful and talented, and you can be anything you want to be. You just need to be more confident in yourself, because you are more than enough. I know you're going to do well. I promise you that if you work hard your passion will shine through and you will succeed in the end. You have such a good heart and that's not going to go away, you can do anything you want Eun. So keep doing what you're doing, and make sure you follow your dreams and succeed as a member of this team." You buried your face into Chan's chest, sobbing at the pain of his last sentence. He should've been here too. The others moved to give you a group hug, sending you little words of love and comfort.

There was something that stuck out to you the most and made you cry - you are more than enough.

Since joining the company you had begun to doubt yourself and your skills, often questioning if you were good enough to ever debut. Joining a group in which you're the only female member made that anxiousness worsen, because you would now be compared to eight other amazing and talented boys in the eyes of the public if you stayed with them.

But you are so glad that you stayed with them, because they bring out another side of you. They changed you for the better, and you hadn't properly realised it until now.

They all have unconditional faith in you. And you weren't about to ruin that for them.

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now