ships outside the group (part 2)

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A/N: Here's part 2, enjoy!

Yedam x Byeol
•The two of you met during the JYP vs. YG battle in the survival show, and were cheering for each other really enthusiastically the whole day
•After that, you guys coincidentally bumped into each other a few times, and just ended up staying in contact and becoming close through that
•When you found out that he was finally going to debut you were literally so happy, you even went on a day out together and bought him food to celebrate
•When you saw him you gave him such a big hug
•Fans really love this ship because they just find it so adorable
•He has a habit of sending you flowers or cute texts whenever you're ill or if your group has a comeback

Young.K x Byeol
•Another ship that became close through Chan
•He met you properly (after the survival show) when he bumped into you while you were buying some snacks near the company, so he walked you back to ensure you were safe
•Sometimes you just sing to him so he can give you advice and help you improve, especially if you have a solo performance (you like to show lots of your JYP friends for different opinions)
•Treats you like a little sister
•You mainly converse with each other in English and he finds your accent so adorable
•You once sang a cover of Rewrite the Stars together, and fans just found the way you guys were looking at each other so endearing
•Legit cLOWNS whenever you're together
•"HELLOOOOOOO BRIAN... oppa(◠ ﹏◠✿)" - he always gives you a sad look when you don't call him oppa so you do this to tease him now
•Have a super long, complicated secret handshake
•Whenever you're both free he tries to take you to places you haven't been to before so you can explore the country more
•Deep chats
•You speak to him sometimes when you're stressed and don't want to worry the boys (or if the issue is concerning them)

Irene x Byeol
•This girl LOVES you so much it's crazyyy
•Obviously all of the Red Velvet members love you and are close with you as well, but Irene just ADORES you
•If people don't see you with your members at an event, it's usually because you're with Irene
•At literally every award show or music show, she always hugs you like you're her child and you need to be protected from anything and everything at all costs and it's just so aDoRaBlE
•You pretend to bump into each other a lot just so you have an excuse to chat

Hongjoong x Byeol
•You're literally just his little baby oMGGG
•You always thought that he was really good looking, and you actually just ended up meeting and becoming close by chance
•During an ISAC event he brought you to sit with the rest of his members for a while to introduce you to them because you were sitting near his group
•You ended up becoming close with the rest of them that day
•You once won a solo award and because you were wearing a long dress you were worried about walking up the stairs alone, but he ran to help you get up safely by holding your hand and helping you - fans LIVE for this moment

Jeno x Byeol
•You guys met and became close through Jisung, and instantly clicked because you ended up having a lot in common, including your birthdays
•Another one of your fanboys
•Will literally aTTACK anyone who is mean to you or makes you cry
•Always greeting you and talking to you at award shows and music shows
•Another idol who has done a lot of performances and duets with you
•Sometimes finishing each other's sentences or saying things at the same time, which everybody finds sOO aDORABLE
•Similar to Hyunjin, you both have the same mole under your eyes so this is another ship fans call soulmates

San x Byeol
•You actually found him really good looking, so when you met him during the ISACs through Hongjoong you were blushing and were really shy at first and they all just found it so cute
•Now you're really close and he takes such good care of you whenever you're together
•He literally sits next to you at events just so he can poke your dimples and pinch your cheeks - you once were so zoned out you didn't even realise he was doing it, so fans have a video of him just sitting next to you poking your cheek for like ten minutes with no words exchanged and his (and your) members laughing next to him

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