mama 2018 (in japan)

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Immediately after the show in Korea you headed back to the dorms and rested for a while, before switching the cameras on to record yourselves packing your suitcases for Japan. You were just about to start recording with Hyunjin and Jisung, when you realised that you had forgotten to pack your cleanser. You had given it to Felix to use the night before since he had run out of his own, and you forgot that he still had it. You walked into his room, not realising he was filming with Seungmin and Changbin.

"Oppa, have you seen my cleanser and my hairband?"
"Yeah, one second I'll go get it for you," he responded, handing the camera over to Seungmin. It was at that moment that you realised they were filming, so you walked over and waved to the camera.
"Byeollie is here!" Changbin said, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
You spoke to the two boys and the camera for a while, Felix returning a few moments later with your cleanser and hairband. You got up and thanked him, before leaning back down so your face was in the camera frame.
"We hope you enjoy our performance, see you in Japan!" you said before making your way back to the living room where Hyunjin and Jisung were likely already filming.

You put the hairband on to keep your hair out of your face, looking up when you reached the living room only to see that Hyunjin was also wearing his. The two of you paused for a few moments and looked at each other before giggling and pointing at one another. It was the pair of matching hairbands you had gifted him during the final episode of The 9th, which the two of you still wear often at the dorms.

When you sat down, Hyunjin spent a while showing the camera what he packed. He and Jisung were both sharing a suitcase, while you had a small one to yourself. While they spoke to the camera the two boys were making terrible jokes throughout the process, and every time they did so you would look over at Jisung (who was behind the camera) in exasperation. Hyunjin left after a while to grab some more shirts from his wardrobe, so you took the camera from Jisung so he could show the camera what he packed. You spoke for a few more moments before Hyunjin returned, Jisung taking the camera back to record you and Hyunjin again. 

You then proceeded to show the camera what you had packed; a few outfits, skincare products, your contacts and glasses case, not forgetting about your adorable seal plushie as well. You also showed them the mini backpack containing your essentials for the journey, which you would be keeping with you on the flight. You didn't bother to pack too many clothes while the other boys made sure to pack extras of their own, because everybody knew you would probably end up wearing their clothes anyways. You spoke to the camera for a little longer, before switching it off and spending a while just double checking you had actually packed everything.

After arriving in Japan the following day, you dropped off your belongings at your hotel before heading straight to the venue where the show would be held for final rehearsals. You were all wearing your actual outfits for the performances; the nine of you had split into two teams, some of the boys wearing black outfits while the others wore white. You, however, were wearing a button-up dress that was split down the middle, half of it being white and the other half black. You had a pair of safety shorts and fishnet tights, and you paired the dress with a chunky black belt and some black ankle boots. You wore silver dangly earrings, and the right earring had an extra chain that attached to the top of your ear, as well as a few silver rings. You were also wearing a simple silver bracelet on your right wrist. Honestly the outfit was quite short which made you a little uncomfortable, so throughout the day you were constantly pulling at the hem, but unfortunately you just had to deal with it. Your hair was straightened and left out, with the right side tucked behind your ear to show the chain earring. Your makeup was pretty simple, you just had some red eye makeup to add a little pop of colour to the look.

 Your makeup was pretty simple, you just had some red eye makeup to add a little pop of colour to the look

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