lil update

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Hi guys! I'm SO sorry for (ONCE AGAIN) not updating like I promised I would. As some of you may know my brother is getting married, and the wedding events (there are a few separate functions that were going to me having) start this week. As you can probably imagine, this week I haven't even had the time to sit down and have time to myself let alone write and edit, things have just been so incredibly busy and I'm sorry for letting you all down once again. I promise once the wedding is over and I'm fully rested after everything I will get back to editing and writing new chapters. The upcoming chapters for both my stories have been planned, so when I get the time I just need to sit down and actually just write them into full chapters. I really am sorry once again but please just bear with me for a little while longer and I promise I will deliver more content to you all as soon as I'm able to. I just really don't to miss out on any part of my brother's wedding, I hope you can all understand :(

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