survival show (episode 1)

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JYPE announced they will be debuting a new group: either a co-ed trainee team or a female trainee group called 2Team. The two groups have to compete by putting on their own performances as part of the annual trainee showcase to determine which group will be able to debut.

You walk into the practice room with your members to do your group introduction, shyly entering and greeting the staff members who will be interviewing your group politely. You sit in the middle seat on the front row, between Hyunjin and Chan, and bow to the camera along with your members.

"Annyeonghaseyo, we are the co-ed project team."
"-oject team."
Everybody looks over and laughs at a flustered Changbin and Byeol who are trying to pretend like they didn't just mess up possibly the easiest part of the whole interview.

This is the first time anybody will see you appear on TV after hearing about you joining the boys' trainee group just a month prior, so you're filled with nerves. Nobody knows anything about you aside from your name and age, so this is your opportunity to formally introduce yourself to the world. You really want to give people a good first impression.

Staff: "So what's the order of you entering JYPE?"
Bang Chan: "Uhhhh the person who has been a trainee at JYP the longest is me, it's been about 7 years. Byeol has been here the shortest, she's been here for about 6 months now."

All the members look at you to see if you have anything to say, but you can't think of anything. You just look at the camera and give the staff an innocent smile that shows off your eye smile and adorable dimples. That one action just melts everybody's hearts and the next few minutes are spent with your members pinching your cheeks and hugging you.

At the individual interviews:
Staff: "So tell us a bit about your newest member, Byeol."
Bang Chan: "Well, she is the maknae of our group and we have tried our best to take care of her during her time at JYP Entertainment. She is very talented and has a lot of potential in all aspects, and is undoubtedly the ace in our team."

You look straight into the camera, a shy smile making its way onto your face. Your dimples are prominent and your luscious hair is gracefully tucked behind your ears, your (H/C) locks flowing to lean back against your shoulders as you bow down to begin your self introduction.

Byeol: "Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Byeol and I am 15 years old. I have been a trainee at JYP Entertainment for about 6 months now."
Staff: "How did you join the company?"
Byeol: "I entered the global auditions a few months ago and moved here from London when I was casted."

Staff: "Can you speak Korean fluently?"
Byeol: "I can speak a little bit because my parents are Korean, but I am more comfortable and used to speaking in English. Sometimes I make mistakes and get confused with Korean, so I still have lots to learn. Please look forward to it!"

Rehearsals for the trainee showcase:
You and your members are watching the female trainee group, 2team, rehearse their song for the showcase. You're filled with nerves, the only thought on your mind being they're so talented. You have a lot of faith in your members, but you're beginning to feel quite intimidated by their skills.

They seem to make every move and note seem so effortless, but they also exude confidence at the same time - the kind of confidence you could only dream of possessing. You can tell how much effort they'd put into the performance, not to mention they've been in the company much longer than you.

You can't help but feel insecure; being the only female member in the team means that you would inevitably be placed under the spotlight. You have to prove that you're worthy and talented enough to fit well in a group of boys; people will undoubtedly question your skills.

During your team's rehearsal you end up getting distracted and overwhelmed by your thoughts, also becoming incredibly nervous because of all the attention.

The female trainee group had stayed to watch your group's performance, clearly trying to weigh out their competition. Your nerves get the best of you, and you end up forgetting some of your lyrics and almost tripping over Jisung's feet.

In the waiting room:
You're beyond stressed. You're constantly practicing your parts and trying to subside the nerves that are beginning to distract you. Your mistakes from the rehearsals keep playing in your mind, so you're currently standing to the side with Chan trying to correct the parts of the lyrics you had forgotten.

"Come on, let's go somewhere." You look up at Chan in confusion, nodding and following his lead regardless. He can tell you're tense, so he decides to take you somewhere that he knows will definitely make you feel better.

He takes you to another waiting room and knocks on the door. You patiently wait to see who's inside, Chan standing behind you, and as soon as the door opens and you make eye contact with Jihyo you immediately grin and shake Chan's hand out of excitement.

They motion for you to come in, you still holding onto Chan's hand and jumping out of excitement. The TWICE members immediately begin gushing over how cute you are and bring you into a group hug. You look over at Chan who's just smirking at the situation, because he knows how smart he is for bringing you here.

You chat with the TWICE members who help you feel much more relaxed about the whole situation. They tell you to try your best and not to worry too much about everything else for now, just to focus on this performance, and you feel a little better after talking to them.

At the trainee showcase:
You're backstage waiting for the showcase to start, when you see JYP entering and making his way to his seat in the audience. You try your best to calm your nerves and listen to the advice everybody has been giving you in order to do your best with your group's performance.

You watch the other performances in awe, admiring the young trainees' talents and amazing teamwork. Since you've only been at the company for a few months this is actually your first showcase, and also your first time seeing the other trainees performing outside of lessons.

You're reciting your parts of the song just to make sure you remember everything, and you begin to feel a bit more confident about your performance.

The performance itself ends up not being too bad, the anticipation is what stressed you out the most. You still make a few mistakes with the lyrics, but this stage is much better than the rehearsals so you feel a little better about it. You don't have many regrets about your performance.

Accouncing the debut team:
You have your arms linked with Chan, feeling tense while waiting for JYP to announce the group of trainees which will be able to debut.

When he picks the co-ed team, you feel all the weight from that day lift off your chest and you let out a relieved laugh before hugging your members.

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