arm wrestling

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A/N: Another update today! It's not great, but I hope you still enjoy reading it. Let me know if you have any requests and I'll try my best. Also, this isn't proof read so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes :)

You were all in the practice room taking a short break from dancing, laying on the floor in the centre of the room. Your head was resting on Jisung's back as you were practically laying on top of him catching your breath, him laying with his chin resting on his folded arms. Felix was sitting beside the two of you, his hands running through your hair as he was discussing some parts of the choreography with Minho. The other boys were sitting close by, all of you engaging in light conversation.

"Oh hyung I want to play too!" you hear Felix shout excitedly, causing you to look over at Changbin and Chan who were in engaging in a playful arm wrestle. The boys made noises of agreement, all of you moving to crowd around Chan and Felix who were preparing to play.

You were sitting on the side between Jisung and Jeongin, when Chan spoke up.
"One of you sit on me so we don't cheat," he said, to which the boys motioned for you to do so. You moved to sit on him, your playful personality leading you to tickle him before they started, to which the boys all laughed and moved to do the same to you.

The match didn't last very long, Chan winning and screaming chaotically out of excitement. You giggled at his antics, leaning down to rest your head on his shoulder and wrap your arms around his waist.

Once everyone calmed down, the next arm wrestle was between Jeongin and Seungmin, and since the boys were just holding them down by their waists you just sat beside Jisung and leaned your head against his shoulder while you watched them play. Seungmin won, so the boys decided to have him play against Chan to see who was stronger out of the two.

Jisung moved to lean onto Chan and you leaned on Seungmin, entertaining yourself by playing with Hyunjins hands since he was sitting so close to Seungmin. Chan won quite easily, but not before teasing Seungmin for a few seconds before defeating him.

"Byeollie, do you want to play?" you look away from Hyunjin towards Felix who asked you the question, the other boys going quiet to hear your response. Of course you couldn't join in on the fun due to your hand issue, but it was just as fun to watch them enjoying themselves so you didn't really mind.

"Oppa I can't because of my hand, it's okay though," you replied with a smile.
"We can play with our left hands princess!" Chan said, to which you nodded happily before moving to where Seungmin was laying previously.

The boys made sure to help you, so you wouldn't put too much pressure on your right hand. When you leaned down onto the ground to play against Jisung, who said he wanted to play too, you felt Hyunjin's hand on the small of your back to make sure you didn't cheat, noticing Chan and Jeongin doing the same to Jisung.

You looked straight ahead, feeling your face heat up at the unexpected contact, coincidentally making eye contact with Chan. He instantly realised what was making you so flustered, his expression turning into a smirk as he looked over at Minho who shared the same expression. The other boys were clueless, wondering why their two oldest members were suddenly laughing to themselves, but they quickly forgot about it when Jisung whined that he wanted to start playing.

Since you've recently started learning to use your left hand for most things due to your injury, such as writing, your left hand has begun to get a lot stronger. So you were actually able to beat Jisung, since he's right-handed and not really used to using his left hand.

He whined for a few minutes about you beating him, but quickly got over it when you happily gave him a hug and a kiss on his cheek. You all shortly got back to work and practiced some more choreography, having had a fun break and feeling much more energised.

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