when you first met the boys

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A/N: How is everyone doing? Does everybody like the new cover and theme?!?!?! Thought this would be a cute chapter to add while I was writing a few others, let me know what you think :)

•He'd heard that there would be a new foreign trainee joining the company, and that she's one of the youngest in JYPE.
•Like many of the other trainees, he was very curious since you're the only trainee that was accepted from England.
•He'd pretty much already decided that he would look out for you, considering you likely wouldn't feel comfortable speaking Korean straight away and he didn't want you to feel left out.
•After you joined JYPE a lot of people were intrigued by you, but it was difficult to communicate (because you were still struggling quite a bit with Korean) so you weren't really able to make friends.
•You were eating alone in the cafeteria one day while watching a video on your phone to entertain yourself, when you suddenly heard someone behind you speaking in English.
•"Mind if I sit?" he asked with a gentle smile, which you immediately returned and replied with a nod.
•You instantly felt your whole body relax at the thought of finally being able to talk to someone comfortably and making a friend.
•Chan quickly took a liking to you, immediately taking you under his wing and helping you out as much as he could.
•He realised that you were really shy and insecure, but recognised your talent and potential almost immediately (even though you hadn't)
•He even showed you some of the music (including a few unfinished demos) he was working on.
•You didn't know the technicalities of producing but gave him really good ideas to help him with some songs, and this was how he found out about your natural talent for making music and lyrics - you became an unofficial member of 3RACHA very quickly, often helping them with their music.
•Some of the songs that you helped with included those that would eventually be released as mixtapes in future albums. :)

•The two of you actually met by chance a few times before knowing who the other was.
•Dance lessons were normally separated by gender, but the dance teachers occasionally gave you lessons altogether as a way of learning from the opposite gender about technique and to help interact with one another. 
•You were in a dance lesson once and couldn't get some of the moves right.
•He noticed you were struggling so he walked up to you and kindly helped you with it, also giving some pointers to help you with your technique. 
•You were easily able to figure it out with his help and gave him a warm smile as a way of thanking him, which he returned and patted your head before moving back to where he was previously standing with his friends.
•He did that a few more times during the mixed lessons, and these were literally the only interactions the two of you shared. 
•You knew he was (clearly) a really good dancer and had briefly spoken to him a few times, and he knew you were good from what he had observed in lessons, but neither of you even knew each other's names. 
•When Chan formally introduced you to him, the two of you smiled and he patted your head in greeting - a habit he quickly developed.
•"You chose well hyung," he told Chan after he found out about you being added to their group, happy to have such a talented person on their team - he didn't care at all about you being a girl.

•He was the first member that Chan introduced you to after becoming friends with him.
•Changbin intimidated you at first because he was such an amazing and charismatic rapper, but you were quickly reassured that you didn't need to be nervous around him, because he had been nothing but sweet to you since you met.
•He honestly had really high expectations because of how highly Chan spoke of you, and he certainly wasn't disappointed after he met you.
•He'd already heard your vocals before meeting you because you had helped Chan with some of the backing vocals for Placebo, and he genuinely loved your voice and ended up getting a few ideas for songs you could help him with.
•He suggested you learn to rap after realising that you hadn't tried it before because he thought you would do a really good job - you were very strong with vocals and dance, so he thought that learning to rap would make you an amazing all-rounder.
•He offered to teach you but you were a natural and, with his help, you quickly surpassed the other trainees with your talent despite your age.
•He's the one that Chan spoke to about adding you to the team because he wanted another opinion on it, as well as some reassurance about if he was doing the right thing for you and the rest of the team.
•Changbin loved the idea and convinced him to do it - he was aware that it was risky since co-ed teams were rare but knew the other boys would love and support you, and that your talents shouldn't go to waste.
•He also thought you would be a really good addition to their team, both in terms of how well your personality matched theirs but also how much you had helped them with their music.

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