ships (hyung line)

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Chan x Byeol
•You go to him for advice or just for comfort in general if you miss home or have a nightmare, partly because you know he's going to be awake
•He's the only one who has seen you cry so far (aside from the one time you cried to Jisung during the survival show)
•Sometimes when you're chilling with him you will just randomly start humming and this ends up helping him with songs 
•He has a soft spot for you because he sees himself in you and understands some of the things you're going through as a result
•Calls you 'bubs' a lot and it's the sweetest thing EVERR
•When he met you he vowed to keep you safe and practically raised you after you joined the company
•Always poking and admiring each other's dimples
•Mainly speak to each other in English
•You join his VLIVES a lot

Lee Know x Byeol
•He often helps you with your dancing if you can't get the choreography right
•Spoils you sO MUCH
•Is always taking pictures of you
•He usually holds your hand or has an arm around you when you're in a crowd out of habit to make sure you're safe
•He helps you choose your outfits sometimes
•Workout buddies
•Grocery shopping and cooking together (more like he's cooking and you're just sitting on the counter giving him moral support bUt AnYwAyS)
•You locked yourself in your room and cried for a few days when he got eliminated, - you still shed a tear to this day whenever somebody mentions it - and when you both came back in the last episode you were practically glued to him (and Felix)

Changbin x Byeol
•You're literally always bullying him
•Okay but he's a major softie around you and nobody can tell me otherwise :)
•You can literally get away with aNYTHING
•"I LiKe DaRk ToO"
•He helps you with your rapping (along with Jisung)
•You once cried to Chan because Changbin told you Santa wasn't real (he had a really hard time trying to keep a straight face) and you're still traumatised by it
•You have a secret stash of embarrassing pictures of him on your phone to use as blackmail
•You're the only person who has the guts to go near him when he's angry, and the only one who can calm him down when he is
•Even if he tries to be angry around you he can't, because you will just hug him, hold his hand, smile brightly at him or throw him a heart and his anger is just... gone?
•The other boys actually got the idea from you, so now they just act cute or throw Changbin hearts whenever he's angry because it makes him flustered and he forgets why he was even angry in the first place
•Not many on-screen interactions but you're just as close as the other members
•During the survival show you were criticised for your rapping so Changbin (and Jisung) helped you improve massively - you give a lot of credit to them whenever you're complimented for your rapping skills

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